NFSMW Parts Remover
NOTE: Make sure you can use NFSMW Extra Options. This little script wants the same things with it.
1) Copy "nlRetardsPartRemover.asi" to your NFSMW\scripts folder.
2) Run NFSMW.
3) Use any customization menu (Career, My Cars or Debug) to remove any part from your car.
! Remove it if you want your customization menus to work normally.
NOTE 2: You can also press "2" in Debug Car Customize menu. It removes the selected part. (You don't need this mod to do that, it's a vanilla game feature.)
BetaTester (October 14, 2021 @ 22:05)
paste the ".asi" file into the "scripts." and it didn't work!The idea of removing any part of the car is fine with me.
Mark (September 24, 2017 @ 12:22)
coolYouTube Video
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