More Traffic Cars

cars, including some extras, and is highly customizable.
Good news: it works for an existing savegame !
MAY 2022 UPDATE : Added an alternative option to export your car choices in case the automatic export as a modscript won't work.
This mod functions properly but is not supported anymore.
- I didn't find why, the mod works strangely : sometimes the cars won't spawn, or after race
spawning cars will change and standard traffic sometimes spawns, even if you've disabled it.
- Note that modifying your cars sets in VltEd AFTER launching the game one time won’twork
accurately. The only way to fix it is by deactivating the mod, launching the game, stopping it, then re -
editing the cars sets.
- Don't put too many cars at a too high density in your lists ! You may cause the game to become unstable.
If you want to re-modify the spawning cars, you don’t need to run the first modscript, you’ll only
have to regenerate the second one using Excel.
Still no proper uninstall, only a deactivator (but you can uninstall using “restore backups”, even if the
rests from previous versions shouldn’t cause problems).
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Having another issue ? Wanting to know about future releases ?
Open Discord and join this server, or you can either search me on server and send me a

cris (December 25, 2022 @ 20:18)
how to istall?
[Deleted Account] (July 23, 2021 @ 06:38)
What does this do man? I couldn't understand I am new here
NI240SX (September 22, 2019 @ 12:10)
If you want to try to edit paints, use Vlt-Ed and go in presetride > traffic > trf_[carname].The name is different for 240SX and camaro : trf_car_s13_89 and trf_car_cam_69.
Then, go in Optional fields > RandomPaints. Good luck for finding the rule but it's maybe simple I didn't tried.

BreakinBenny (September 11, 2019 @ 18:06)
@NI240SX That's pretty good, too bad it can't be set up to pick a darker or brighter shade based on color... would be nice to see Paradise City Saloons choosing from all colors, at least the standard because gloss is usually cheaper compared to the fancy metallic ones etc..
NI240SX (July 12, 2019 @ 20:26)
@BreakinBenny there is a field "RandomPaints" for traffic cars, in presetride if I remember.Download
4c2d4a-MTC (Size: 1.74MB) Latest Version
f488dd-+TrfCars 1.0.0 (Size: 476.42KB) Old Version
d2a24c-+TrfCars (Size: 59.32KB) Old Version
fe3268-+TrfCars (Size: 10.57KB) Old Version
b4d9f6-+ TrfCars (Size: 9.77KB) Old Version
9abf37-+ TrfCars (Size: 8.35KB) Old Version
eea99e-+ TrfCars (Size: 8.36KB) Old Version
1b47d6-+Trf Cars (Size: 8.01KB) Old Version
ae6d19-+ TrfCars v1.1 (Size: 4.1KB) Old Version
c06685-+ TrfCars v1.1 (Size: 4.1KB) Old Version
1b8983-+TrfCars (Size: 2.6KB) Old Version
c2bb61-+TrfCars (Size: 1.77KB) Old Version