[NFS U2] Enable hood decals and cabin neon
This mod activates hood decals and cabin neon for NFS U2, that you could see in demo version of the game.
You can apply them via DebugCarCustomizer(ex. - NFSU2 Extra Options)
Made by AR4I
For any questions - https://discord.gg/DxC6Fyf
djnc97 (September 05, 2019 @ 06:58)
It remains to install this mod with beta-styling and find the icons of the alfa version of NFS Underground 2 if you can to get them to port it to the release version NFS Underground 2 for PC, I'll be very grateful! =)PS: I apologize for my poor English, I am neither English nor American... =(
djnc97 (September 05, 2019 @ 06:56)
Thanks, bro is this great work! I'm making a Repack to release a computer version of NFS Underground 2, turning into a mixture of alpha and beta versions in order to make it all in one and did not have to look at different websites in separate files responsible for alpha and beta features in the release version of this game and you give me this mod was very helpful, thank you so much! I have ready a beta city, beta traffic; beta races.![](userdata/juankatellito/6a9a4cf444fa5d2c3e7a4db61036aedc.jpg)
juankatellito (July 08, 2019 @ 15:08)
for the most wanted please![](userdata/BlackEdition/photo_2022-11-13_14-31-01.jpg)
BlackEdition (July 07, 2019 @ 15:05)
FINALLY !!!Download
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