Title, body fonts, and Tac numbers are re-created at an x8 scale compared to the original, some of the non-English letters are yet to be done.
Fixed the jagged fonts, now they look a lot smoother
- Aero_ : NFSMW HD Font Plugin.
- BadassBaboon: Font Textures.


Ainm217 (October 17, 2019 @ 10:27)
Amazing mod man, Can you pls release a seperate mod for water spray in Undercover ?
voidturbulence (September 26, 2019 @ 06:10)
I can't get the gothic fonts in HD even after copy and pasting everything. Am i doing something wrong?
JOHN30011887 (September 13, 2019 @ 22:11)
Thanks for Fixing the jagged fonts :)
NFSBusiness (September 12, 2019 @ 22:17)
Upon closer inspection, it seems that all of the HD letters in the FONT_MW_BODY file in GLOBALA.BUN are not perfectly aligned with each other. Words look 'shaky' when looking at them up close. (Anyone will look closely at the text due to the fact that the mod's purpose is specifically improve the look of the in-game text obviously) Again, very minor nit-pick and I understand that it's very difficult and time-consuming to try to align and fine-tune the text. Otherwise, this is a fantastic mod. Good work.