NFS MW: Forest Green Out of Bounds Glitch Patch

Hello! This small patch fixes the Out of Bounds glitch in Forest Green, a.k.a Razor's 3rd Boss Race
by adding a trigger that resets the race whilst going Out of bounds.
- Get VLTEd 4.6 from the Need For Speed Modding Tools Blogspot
- Open you NFS Most Wanted's VLT Data with VLTEd by clicking on File -> Open then locating your NFSMW installation directory.
- Once you clicked on Install, simply save the changes.

RaTT (August 29, 2019 @ 13:31)
its basically there so vlted checks if you are installing the mod for mw, dw i jsut fixed it
Zenturo (August 29, 2019 @ 13:18)
Man, remove that "game mw" from the first string
juankatellito (August 25, 2019 @ 19:58)
a note appears that says invalid parameters