Ultimate CatchUp Packs

1. Get Mod Manager or later
2. Place file .fbmod into *Location of mod manager*\FrostyModManager_v1.0.5.6\Mods\NeedForSpeedPayback
3. Run Mod Manager
4. Apply mods and launch game through mod manager
Included in download are files for both legit and Fitgirl versions
Legit version:
Grade 6, 11, 16: Are stock parts of that grade
Grade 8: Nitro Flames
Grade: 9: Flat Neon
Grade 10: Single Color Wave/Step Neon
Grade 12: Special/Rare Neon
Grade 13: Two Color Step/Wave Neon
Grade 14: Tire Smoke
Grade 15: Horns latest version adds air suspension to this pack
Grade 17: Country Neons
Grade 18's: Maxed Branded Packs
Fitigirl version
Level 12 is Nos Flames
Level 13 is Horns and air suspension
Level 14 is Neons
Level 15 is Smoke
Level 18's are branded upgrade packs

0fRonnie1 (December 31, 2023 @ 15:06)
thanks mate you saved my fitgirls pain
AntiLoser (September 12, 2020 @ 16:31)
@Snakeman Some people have been having problems with Frosty with the recent windows 10 update. I can't get NFS 2015 to run with frosty right now. Payback seems to work fine for me but the crack version doesn't.Here are some things you can try:
1. If you are using origin version repair game
2. Go to Payback directory and delete the mod data folder
if all else fails i don't know since as i mentioned above some people have been having problems with recent windows update