NFSU Trax Renamer

Source Code:
NFSU Trax Renamer is a script mod which can change the names of EA Trax songs without HEX editing the .exe file manually. It has these options for each song:
+ Title (If you want to see brackets in names like vanilla, place them twice.)
+ Artist
+ Album
+ PlayIn (Available options are FE, IG and AL. It's used to choose default setting for the new save games.)
Note: To replace existing EA Trax songs, you can use Arushan's NFSU Music Importer:
Note 2: Please don't use "^" character in any of the names. The game uses it for a line feed. (Using it will drop everything after it to a new line.)
Note 3: To leave a name blank, please use " " (brackets included).
! Before installation, make sure that you're using v1.4 speed.exe (3,03 MB (3.178.496 bytes)).
If not, just search "NFS Underground v1.4 NO CD Crack DRUNK!" on Google, Bing or any search engine you like.
Now you can install the Script. Just follow these steps:
1) Open the archive you downloaded
2) Extract "scripts" folder and "dinput8.dll" into your NFSU Installation Folder.
3) (OPTIONAL) If you have installed NightBreath mod, please extract the contents of "Trax Names for NightBreath" folder as well and confirm the overwrite dialog.
Changelog: (+ Addition, * Change, ! Attention, - Deletion)
v1.0.0.1338 (Build 1; Rev.00) :
+ Added an ini file for NightBreath mod.
v1.0.0.1337 (Build 1; Rev.00) :
+ Initial release.
Coded by:
- nlgzrgn
Thanks to:
- AdrienShadow for idea.
- Arushan for NFSU Music Importer.
See ya!
©2019 nlgzrgn @ ExOpts Team - No rights reserved. ;)

PinkAFBoi (December 09, 2022 @ 07:29)
@B3AKX & YochiThMaster333 I'm kinda late into answering this thread but this one works with the Music Converter, it's also from R.G. Mechanics:
It's a torrent, download it with a torrent app.

B3AKX (August 27, 2020 @ 20:52)
Nice mod.Would it be possible to fix the old NFS U Music Converter? It keeps saying: "NFS U not installed correctly".
Very annoying. Why can't we just select the needed file manually/or by typing in the path?
It would also be cool to replace SpeechStreams.
I noticed on the German PC Version of Underground
that there is one wrong file (duplicate), but sadly I can't get .ast files to work, only extract files of it.