NFSMW - Palmont Safehouses/Car Lots/Custom Shops
It moves the safehouse and car lot triggers to the correct positions.
It also moves the 8 custom shop triggers to the various Castrol Garages & Autozones throughout the city.
As a bonus, I've included an optional script that adds a safehouse and car lot to Silverton.
To install:
1. Download & install Palmont City for NFSMW. Instructions and download link here -
2. Download NFS VLTEd -
3. Open it up, press Ctrl+I and choose the .nfsms file you prefer
4. Save and exit
*Always be sure to back up your files!*
*Do not reupload/recompile my mods without asking first!*
Current Issues:
-The triggers sometimes go invisible in-game - they are still accessible and work properly though.
-When the Silverton Safehouse script is installed, some icons on the world map disappear. This is due to a
limitation within the game that only allows 4 safehouse icons to be displayed. I am unaware of any fix.
(The triggers are still present in the game world and minimap, they just don't show up on the events map)