Nissan GT-R R35 [ADDON]
-With Customized
-3 Body Kits
-Window Tint
-Wheel Paint
-Ride Heigh
1. Copy the "CARS" folder to the game installation folder
2. Open NFS -VltEd and import the skyliner35.nfsms modscript, save and exit
3. Copy "" to
"EDTheCarDealer \ Resources \ NFSC \ FrontEnd \ FrontEndTextures \ 8D08770D"
4. Copy "SKYLINER35.ini" to "EDTheCarDealer \ Config \ NFSC"
5. Open "Ed.exe", click on "Main" -> "Open" and locate the game installation folder
6. Click on "Tools" -> "Unlock game files to modify"
7. Click on "Apply"
8. Create a new save and enjoy
: nfsu360 for NFS-VltEd / TexEd / CarToolkit.
- nlgzrgn for NFSC Unlimiter / Ed - The car dealer.
-sparx for Car Array Patch