Need For Speed Carbon - Cross Pursuit Fix

This script fixes Cross appearing as an RPD officer, instead replacing him with the bounty hunter version from the game's intro. The mod also changes the car's collision reactions, sounds, damage effects, and weight to be more in-line with its racer counterpart. I have also added the option to swap out a generic black Corvette for Cross in the Heat Level 5 busted scene, as well as the option to double Cross' spawnrate. Lastly, there is an additional optional feature in which Heat Level 10 consists entirely of these powerful units, try it out!
- Download and extract the .zip file on this page.
- Open VLT-Edit (by nfsu360).
- Click on "File -> Open" and navigate to your game's root folder. The game's database will load onto the screen.
- Click on "File -> Import -> ModScript" and navigate to the extracted mod folder.
- Import the ModScript (.nfsms file).
- Be sure to read all information provided at the installation menu.
- Check bonus boxes if you want extra features.
- Once the script loads, click "File -> Save".
- Run the game and enjoy!
Known Issues
- Cross still uses the police flashing headlights effect, but I cannot fix it since it is either hardcoded or hidden behind dependencies.
- Nothing else. Please report bugs, flaws, or improvements in the comments or contact me directly!
Version History
- 2/2/20 @ 15:16 - v1.0.0, initial release.
- 5/23/20 @ 12:07 - v1.1.0, modified damagespecs, acceleration multiplier, and fixed audio settings to use engine sound instead of sirens.
- 5/23/20 @ 12:19 - v1.1.1, revised thumbnail and modpage, added option to replace old Heat Level 10 RPD units with new ones.
- 8/8/21 @ 22:30 - Rewrote the entire script(!) for a smoother and more efficient experience, and squashed a few bugs along the way.
- 8/8/21 @ 22:38 - Revised modpage and updated thumbnail to fit new personal styling guidelines.
- nfsu360 - Creation and development of VLT-Edit.
- Avalanche - Development and implementation.
- Splash45 - Playtesting and enthusiastic support.
- rx - Feedback and identification of spikestrip bug.

RinkoAzalea (November 05, 2023 @ 02:53)
A single mod that will save the entire Carbon timelineAlthough Bounty Hunter and Police usually don't work together, but still, this is a very recommended mod
Must have this mod

TailsDoll2537 (May 28, 2023 @ 03:48)
*mrvideogame*I found the problem; in the VltEd you need change in the carpet
Change the Frontend -> vehicle to Fronted -> uncustomizable
mrvideogame (October 15, 2020 @ 18:19)
Hey Man One Issue I Have With This Is That The Texture Disappears Everytime I See itAny Help
I Have Followed Insturctions
And I Have This Weird Shizzz

BigyPalmontPolice (June 22, 2020 @ 15:29)