NFSC Cars Custom Sounds by DJ92GTREXTREME

Category: Scripts | Game: Need for Speed: Carbon

NFSC Cars Custom Sounds


Hey What's up guys, this mod fix some stock/aftermarket car sounds and small changes in turbo/supercharger sfx of some cars
-Open VLT 4.6,select NFS Carbon folder,Ctrl + I -> select the archive (NFSC Custom Sounds.nfsms),save and enjoy :)
-Nissan 350z CG uses correct abk(Gin File is from the NFSMW, I include in this mod,how to install:Copy and Past to GIn Folder (Sound->Engine->Gin)

*Update:Small Fixes,Real Transmission and Tires for BMW M3 GTR E46 STOCK and Fixed Engine,Transmission and Tires for 2006 Lotus Europa S
! Update:Fixed Transmission Name BMW M3 GTR E46 Cross Chase on Pvehicle,Now Cut Straight Transmission Works Correct
Final Update:Upgrade RPM Aftermarket Cars Like ECU/Fuel System and Camshaft Upgrade Performance,Stock Gear Ratios Real Number,Lotus Elise has Supercharger stock (Mention for 2008/2009 Lotus Elise SC USDM Market), 2006 Camaro Concept Uses Gear Ratios of 2013 Camaro SS 1LE (because this package is better to standard 2010 Camaro SS,Camaro Concept has LS2 Engine and Gear Ratios is Unknown 1LE Has Better Gear Ratios and is Good for Custom Concept Model in Game),All Dodge and Plymouth Old Muscle Cars uses now Torque Flit 3 Speed Auto Transmission because the models is a little bit lighter;Weight Fixed for all cars and Fixed Sound,Transmission and RPM for 2003 Audi Lemans Quattro,Nissan 350z Performance Stock/Upgraded is Based in 2007 350z Grand Touring (VQ35HR)
-New Changes in Some Car Sounds

-Please Backup you archives first;
-Do you have any problems or bugs tell me in the comments

VLT 4.6 by NFS 360

-You can modify it for your only own use
-Do not distribute or modify without my authorization


MaxouNFS (December 03, 2022 @ 18:22)
cannot save on VLT-ED when installing

DJ92GTRExtreme (March 25, 2020 @ 01:26)
@KylaAngelineKZYeng It's Because is Place Holder Sound,and Now I Have Update Skyline Sound,I Use Por_911_B (Porsche GT3 RSR 996) to Recreate RB28-30 Modify,but The Lvl2 Is Now The Old LVl 3,and Now LVL3 Is True Modified RB26

KylaAngelineKZYeng (March 21, 2020 @ 04:02)
Why not make Skyline sound like it's true self instead of louder 350Z sound when maxed

DJ92GTRExtreme (February 25, 2020 @ 22:45)
...,but I have no release date because it is in beta until today, since 2014 I already had the idea to make this LOL mod, if the script doesn't work comment or Send a PM that I will make a compatible version, THX Bro

DJ92GTRExtreme (February 25, 2020 @ 22:44)
I think Yes, because last year I opened the Improvement Mod files on the VLT and they are similar to the Vanilla Game, with only a few changes and as I remember the original cars use the Vanilla values, they corrected the ones that were cut from the game, unfortunately I no longer have Improvement Mod, because I tested it and deleted it months later, from my Game Test (that uses Vanilla Global files), I have a Mod in Carbon Development for 3-4 years and it is different from Improvement Mod