Improved Police Pursuits - Better Cops

Police now handle much better at lower speeds and are able to reach their top speed faster, further improving their ability to keep up with the player in a pursuit. They are also now slightly heavier. One very minor issue in this version is that at around 20-45 MPH cop cars tend to 'shake' a bit. This is because their improved handling is now being handled by high levels of tyre traction as opposed to high levels of aerodynamic downforce as in the previous version of the mod.
Mod has been rebuilt from the ground up to make cops more balanced and less frustrating as they kind of were in Version 2, especially during races. Cops are now a bit slower (they now have around 660 BHP making them fast but not extremely fast) and are now lighter meaning they can no longer bully the player easily during a pursuit. Additionally, the faster your car is the easier it will be to put some distance between you and the cops making them easier to evade as you progress through the game and unlock faster cars and better upgrades.
Cops have had their speed increased slightly.

ModdingKitty (August 17, 2020 @ 20:00)
Meow, this is a really good cop mod compared to the ReincarnationMod! The cops are not too OP but just enough where they're still fun (ex: CVPI's going to 180+ in the Reincarnation mod). Maybe you should do a video preview of the mod, it's be really helpful so others could see what they're in for. Also would it be possible to have a cop near the docks or on the highway? Seems so weird that there's no Highway Patrol on the actual highway :P Anyways, 10/5 is good mod!
Zafictus (March 31, 2020 @ 20:22)
This is all constructive criticism. I really liked the mod and am going to try even more stuff with it. More cars, more physics mods (I was playing on Revival mod). It s a great start and I really hope the community works on it more.Cheers man!
End of comment part 3
(Sorry for being annoying, I loved it so much I had to express myself on how to make it even better :D)

Zafictus (March 31, 2020 @ 20:19)
What I didnt like is the extra weight and when cop cars touch mine it seems like the hook on it and they spin me around continuously or they are right next to me and their ramming feels like they were accelerating for 500 meters and crash into me (i dont know if it's cant be switched off) it litterly makes the game inside the city unplayable. I was trying to go a specific route and it felt like i was on ice and they were nailed to the asphalt tossing me around like a pinball. End of comment part 2
Zafictus (March 31, 2020 @ 20:17)
So, I ve been playing the mod for a couple of hours now. I has tons of potential. I love how the cops stay on my tail longer and catch up quicker and that they are more aggressive. The times where they just crash and lose me are there but that s AI (increase cooldown timer possible?). End of comment part 1