Improved Police Pursuits - Better Cops

Police now handle much better at lower speeds and are able to reach their top speed faster, further improving their ability to keep up with the player in a pursuit. They are also now slightly heavier. One very minor issue in this version is that at around 20-45 MPH cop cars tend to 'shake' a bit. This is because their improved handling is now being handled by high levels of tyre traction as opposed to high levels of aerodynamic downforce as in the previous version of the mod.
Mod has been rebuilt from the ground up to make cops more balanced and less frustrating as they kind of were in Version 2, especially during races. Cops are now a bit slower (they now have around 660 BHP making them fast but not extremely fast) and are now lighter meaning they can no longer bully the player easily during a pursuit. Additionally, the faster your car is the easier it will be to put some distance between you and the cops making them easier to evade as you progress through the game and unlock faster cars and better upgrades.
Cops have had their speed increased slightly.

Zafictus (March 31, 2020 @ 19:03)
VERY GOOD. For the first time ever the police got me when i was trying hard to get away. I had to provoke them a bit though. My fully tuned RX7 with around 900 horses was no match for the Civics but the Chargers taught me a lesson. You mentioned they were heavier. I felt it. I think a bit lighter would be ok also. What is missing is more cops at the same time and higher spawn frequency. I dont know how hard this is, i dont mod. But dude this is what 2015 was missing. I hope you guys perfect it. Cheers!
buzby8 (March 16, 2020 @ 00:51)
Sadly that isn't possible as there is no health or damage system for cops in place in the game at all, not even any leftover code from Rivals. I tried to make them challenging but not unfair for that very reason.
NFSNEO (March 15, 2020 @ 23:24)
I love this mod. Great with Revival mod.Is there a way to make it possible for us to even "kill"/disable the cop cars? The only 2 ways of doing that is flipping them over or having them hit spike strips.