NFSU2 - Show Hidden Races Mod

by MaxHwoy
Greetings! This mod unhides all hidden events that you may encounter in NFS UG2 career. In order to install
it, simply replace your GlobalB.lzc file in the game's directory (Game Dir\GLOBAL\GlobalB.lzc) with the one
the mod provides. You do not need a new savegame unless you want to create one.
This mod is a first test of a new upcoming tool for editing NFSUG2, as well as NFSMW and NFSC named Binary.
If you would like to be notified on future updates and upcoming mods, join the official discord group:
- Fixed various parts being initially unlocked or not unlocked at all.
Have a nice day!
- MaxHwoy (development of both the mod and Binary)


Milo (December 12, 2024 @ 21:20)
So does this still work as of today? I can not seem to get it to work with my current save game... As soon as I replace the file, my game crashes, but when I try with a new save it loads. But it does not seem to "display" the races on the worldmap...
oldman777 (November 27, 2023 @ 08:59)
@frannco1099, @RoN1Nl , script of this for binary:
RoN1Nl (May 26, 2021 @ 13:50)
Whether there is a script of this for binary? I would like to use this mod together with olymic import and other mods.Kaog (May 07, 2021 @ 02:55)
Probare en una partida nueva, luego informo :DKaog (May 05, 2021 @ 22:29)
Esto hace que cierre el juego? Cuando estoy en la ultima etapa al tratar de desbloquear la primera mejora de carreras de persecución se me cierra el juego :sDoes this cause the game to close? When I am in the last stage, when trying to unlock the first chase racing upgrade, the game closes. (translator)