Ferrari F430 (Addon)
-1 bodykit
-Window Tint
-Original stats
-Available after smoking Ronnie (Blacklist #3)
-NFSMW driver model
-Costs 200000
Known issues:
Minor issues:
-the brakes are a bit out of position
1. Put the F430 folder in the CARS folder
2. No vinyls
3. Open NFS-VltEd and import f430.nfsms, save and exit
4. Copy the Ed folder to where you put Ed
5. Open "Ed.exe", click "Main" -> "Open" and search for the game installation folder
6. Click "Tools" -> "Unlock Game Files For Modding"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Make a new save game and enjoy flexing your opponents (or just modify your current save game)
-Naufel, the guy who made this F430 for GTA:SA
-nfsu360 for NFS-CarToolkit, NFS-VltEd and NFS-TexEd
-nlgzrgn for Ed and the NFSMW Unlimiter
Eclipse72rus (March 23, 2020 @ 15:56)
-turn off the shadow settingsbruh