NFS Most Wanted: Fixed BMW M3 CSL Mod (Beta)

-Fixed driver.
-Re-ordered the hoods so their order are like vanilla (Still buggy tho).
-Added 2 hoods from the M3 GTR (Race).
-Less notable doorline.
Installation (MAKE BACKUPS FIRST):
Found at Read me.
Special thanks to:
-nfsu360 for NFS-CarToolKit 2.8
-Oleg Melashenko for ZModeler 2.2.6

KylaAngelineKZYeng (April 25, 2020 @ 02:42)
How about bodykits, maybe some NFSPS kits from M3 E46.
Goodboygamer (April 25, 2020 @ 02:31)
some of the things that needs to be fixed:-exhaust pipes blowing upwards in race entrances
-no scratches
-no vinyls

Valen1991 (April 24, 2020 @ 21:11)
@FarrelPrayoga157 If you give me credits, then you have total permission. Your welcome.
FarrelPrayoga157 (April 24, 2020 @ 20:40)
matei can't thank you enough man
can i update on my mod section?
thanks again