[+Addon Conversion] 2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor

I have full permission from Greger to upload this mod.
Converted from Forza 4 by Greger
Sadly, nfscars.net is no longer with us :(
Download link for the modloader version, as well as image links, have been removed for this reason.
RIP nfscars.net. Gone, but not forgotten.
Other people credited by Greger:
Turn 10 Studios
Porsche 4ever
Modloader to Addon conversion done by ElNico (Formerly LFQZ92)
Notable changes made from the modloader version
- Adjusted close and far cameras for improved visibility
- Custom engine sounds (Stock and Upgraded)
- Added Vinyls (Not Properly Mapped)
- Vehicle now sways when cornering
Known Issues:
- Custom paint doesn't appear properly. I'm not sure how to fix this
- Tire Width shrinks when custom rims are applied. I'm not sure how to fix this.
- Tire Texture doesn't appear properly when "Shadow Detail" is set to anything above minimum. Almost appears as a racing slick.
Please report any other issues. If you have any idea on how to fix any issue, please do let me know.
- Body Kits
- Hoods (Various Skins)
- Rims
- Performance Upgrades
- Paint
- Window Tint
- 512/1024x Vinyls (Vanilla & ReCompiled) (Not properly mapped, National Flags appear on roof, Carbon Fiber Vinyl still works as normal)
- Supports NFSMW Unlimiter Default Neon Underglow
- Supports NFSMW Unlimiter Default Tires
Changelog/Patch Notes:
v1.2.3 (18/12/2024)
This only a very small update, which includes a Performance Rework,
further revision to the install method, and a fix for skins disappearing on lower geometry detail levels.
- Performance Rework:
- Increased torque values by 40%
- Reduced PSI from 15 to 7.9 (pre-patch value from modloader version).
- Reduced HIGH_BOOST from 1 to 0.325.
- Increased LOW_BOOST from 0.135 to 0.235.
- Reduced PSI from 20 to 14 (pre-patch value from modloader version).
*Vehicle should now feel more consistent when driving, rather than the Supercharger literally doubling power output at high rpms.
- Further revision of Install method.
- Folder creation and file moving is now done entirely with Binary, both for the VltEd and OGVI Install.
- Skins no-longer disappear when Car Geometry Detail is set to low (FORCELODA = 1)
- Removed support for Ed The Car Dealer.
- Added support for OGVI.
- Revised Installation method.
Files are now automatically moved during installation.
- Adjusted Close and Far Cameras.
(kept a modscript with the old camera angles if that's what you prefer)
- Fixed Tire Skids not appearing properly.
- Tire Skids now properly line up with the Tires.
v1.2.101 hotfix
- removed duplicate commands for 'CamberFront', 'CamberRear' and 'ReflectionOffset' from the VLT Modscript. This was causing the intended changes to not go through.
If You've already installed 1.2.1, just import the Modscript again.
- Added Binary install method. I'm still learning the ins and outs of Binary myself, but i wanted to get this out sooner rather than later.
*I've still kept the old Ed files in their own separate folder for those who want to use Ed The Car Dealer.
- Added support for Vanilla 512x Vinyls and Xbox360 1024x Vinyls
- All Vinyls can now be applied, though they still aren't properly mapped. Better than nothing :)
- All Vinyls can be applied when using Recompiled Vinyls (512x & 1024), though they still aren't properly mapped.
- Updated in game description "2011 Ford F-150 SVT Raptor SuperCab"
- Added a small amount of camber. 0.18 front, 0.12 rear.
- Increased reflection offset from 0.1 to 0.19. Wheels from the cars reflection no longer clip through the ground while in frontend (main menu/my cars, safehouse, carlot or shop)
Engine Audio:
- Updated Engine Audio to sound more like the real life counterpart, using the Engine Audio files available with Most Wanted.
Used Real Life Videos and Forza Horizon 5 as a guide for both the stock and upgraded engine.
It isn't 100% accurate (obviously) but it's close enough.
- Improved Stock E-Brake
- Improved Upgraded Brakes
- Improved Upgraded E-Brake
Forced Induction:
- Significantly Improved max upgraded supercharger
[Increased PSI from 14 to 20]
[Increased High Boost from 0.225 to 1.012]
Curb Weight
- Reduced Curb Weight from 2772kg to 2729kg (-43kg) to match the Curb Weight of the SuperCab version, which is the model in game.
Overall the Vehicle should be slightly easier to handle.
- fixed typo with filename of the ed config file. renamed it from "RAPTOR.ini" to "RAPTOR"
this was causing the model to not appear in game and would instead show a carrera gt. This has now been resolved.
- Added Body Roll. The vehicle now sways when cornering
- Cops no longer refer to it as "Cadillac"
- Increased TireSkidWidth to more closely match the actual tire width.
- Added national flag vinyls. They appear on the roof instead of the
doors and aren't 100% lined up but its better than nothing
- Fixed Hood camera. I'm not sure how to move the hood camera forward or backwards, so I increased the height of the camera. it's now mounted on the roof.
- Slightly improved handling
- Initial Release
Tools Used.
NFS-TexEd by nfsu360
NFS-VltEd by nfsu360
High Quality Vinyls by nfsu360
Ed the Car Dealer by nlgzrgn (nlgxzef)
Recompiled Vinyls by nlgzrgn (nlgxzef)
MW Texture Compiler by MWinside
Ant Renamer
Binary v2.8.3/2.9.0 by MaxHwoy
OGVI by Archie
Make sure you have NFSMW Unlimiter v4 by nlgxzef installed,
otherwise your game will crash upon trying to enter the game world.
you can download it here:
Installation (VltEd + Binary):
1. Open Binary in Administrator mode.
2. Select User Mode (The one on the left with the 3 red people).
3. Select "Raptor_BinaryInstall"
4. Select Your NFSMW Installation Directory.
5. Select the Vinyls that your game is using, or choose to not install vinyls.
- Note: Choosing the incorrect resolution will cause your game to crash upon trying to select a vinyl.
6. A Prompt should appear "Script Raptor_BinaryInstall.end" has been successfully applied", click ok.
7. A Prompt should appear "Would you like to save files?", Click Yes.
8. A prompt should appear "Do you wish to run the game?", Click No.
9. Open NFS-VltEd. File>Import>ModScript and import "Raptor_Install_VLTED"
10. Press "Install".
11: Save Changes and Exit.
12: Enjoy.
Installation (OGVI + Binary):
1. Open Binary in Administrator mode.
2. Select User Mode (The one on the left with the 3 red people).
3. Select "Raptor_BinaryInstall"
4. Select Your NFSMW Installation Directory.
5. Select the Vinyls that your game is using, or choose to not install vinyls.
- Note: Choosing the incorrect resolution will cause your game to crash upon trying to select a vinyl.
6. A Prompt should appear "Script Raptor_BinaryInstall.end" has been successfully applied", click ok.
7. A Prompt should appear "Would you like to save files?", Click Yes.
8. A prompt should appear "Do you wish to run the game?", Click No.
9. Open OGVI. File>Import ModScript and import "Raptor_Install_OGVI"
10. Press "Import".
11: Save Changes and Exit.
12: Enjoy.
Installation (Ed The Car Dealer):
Ed TCD is no longer supported.
Plans for the future:
- Adding Custom Collision data.
Both Currently, and in the ModLoader version, it just used collision from the CTS.
Although it has it's own Collision file,
all the data is just copied over from the CTS.
I have no idea which numbers refer to which part of the car, but ill try and figure things out.
- Adding Headlights.
- Improved Support for Extended Customization (Big Maybe).
Though it currently does support neon under glow and tyres when rims are applied, further expanding support for EC is a very small possibility.

MiguelAmancio350zNFSFan (April 19, 2024 @ 19:43)
@LFQZ92 i will use your mod to put my own nfs most wanted: miguelamancio edition mod.
ElNico (February 06, 2024 @ 16:00)
Binary Update is officially out.My suspicions were correct, the initial file size of 67.5mb far exceeded the limit of 50mb. I managed to get it down to 55 but obviously that still exceeds the limit
I've included a download link.

ElNico (February 06, 2024 @ 12:29)
Hi Everyone.I have an update scheduled for release, it includes a binary install, along with a few other fixes. For some reason it isn’t letting me actually update the mod page along with the attached file and thumbnail. My best guess is the file size may be too large? (~67mb)
I’ll spend some time trying to get the file size down, then I’ll see if it works.
Until you see that it has updated to v1.2.1 on the mod page along with a binary install method, then nothing has actually changed.

ElNico (December 06, 2023 @ 15:41)
I’ve only gotten back into modding within the past month or so, as I’ve managed to get NFSMW running on a tablet (potato) from 2013. My PC broke around ~2021 so when it comes to modding I’ve been out of the loop for a very long time.
From memory, Ed was the standard way of adding cars when I first released the mod. Clearly a lot has changed in 2-3 years.
When I get more familiar with Binary, I Absolutley will make a binary install.

Kyman1 (November 27, 2023 @ 23:17)
LFQZ92 Please when you are updating make it a binary installationDownload
d10f24-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.2.3 Download Link.rar (Size: 183 bytes) Latest Version
6b1836-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.2.2 Download Link.rar (Size: 183 bytes) Old Version
00d82a-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.2.101 Download Link.rar (Size: 185 bytes) Old Version
2987b6-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.2.1 Download Link.rar (Size: 183 bytes) Old Version
45e5e9-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.2.0.rar (Size: 6.56MB) Old Version
35858e-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.1.01.rar (Size: 6.55MB) Old Version
78847a-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor v1.1.rar (Size: 7.43MB) Old Version
ebf83d-Ford F-150 SVT Raptor.rar (Size: 6.13MB) Old Version