Last Breath Final Version

True 4K ROAD (4096*4096 and 1024*8192)
Remastered Map And Tracks (Exclusive!)
Other HD Textures (250+) (1024*1024)
Fog by AMTxDRxRL <3 Thanks
HD Reflection by Aero <3 Thanks
Extra Options by nlgzrgn <3 Thanks
HDRI Skybox by BadassBaboon <3 Thanks

Remastered Map And Tracks.

V 1.3.1 ver
-Shader ray tracing was removed, at the request of the right holder.
-Fixed crash,optimized tpf
-The sky was cut from 8K to 4K because there were bugs.
v 1.5
-Screen Space Reflection shader removed , because it's not needed.
-Fixed the world's animations, now they works...
-Some textures have been reworked.
-Added and corrected the latest textures.

- Do not repack any textures (including a map with routes) and record videos like "Redux Shit".
- You are allowed to repack for yourself if you do not want a complete modification.
Please appreciate other people's work.
YouTube Video -
Enjoy your game.

MikeTurbo (November 11, 2024 @ 00:55)
Hello, it's a beautiful mod, but I have a problem, I install the mod normally with the texmod and with all the steps, I open the game once the installation is done and everything is beautiful, but when I close the game and reopen it, some textures remain, such as the start menu and reflections, but textures such as the asphalt and the map are removed, forcing me to run the game with texmod
Ejnar (October 13, 2024 @ 19:20)
@NightWarHawk, you can tweak headlights by pressing 'H'. Found it in config files. I had to press it twice to 1st turn on headlights and 2nd for back lights to work properly when breaking
ugur27kose (September 01, 2024 @ 16:55)
When I install this mod in the game, I have a transparent car problem. Please Help..In-game Image:

NightWarHawk (August 23, 2024 @ 00:51)
I'm having a minor issue with this mod where it disables the headlights on all of the cars. I was wondering if there's a fix for this, if not its no big deal.
monaco (August 19, 2024 @ 11:06)
Where is the best place to download the game?Download
23f676-372mb-U2_LastBreath_Final.rar (Size: 135 bytes) Latest Version
331a0e-366.5 MB V1.5 - LastBreath link .rar (Size: 138 bytes) Old Version
8f887f-v1.3.1 U2-Last Breath Link.rar (Size: 160 bytes) Old Version
ab6296-v1.3 U2-Last Breath Link.rar (Size: 158 bytes) Old Version
996d45-U2_LastBreath_v1.1.rar.rar (Size: 141 bytes) Old Version
a519c1-u2-LB(link).rar (Size: 136 bytes) Old Version