MW Eternal + SourceLighting

True 4K ROAD (2048*8192 and 1024*8192)
Other HD Textures (250+)
HD Reflection by Aero <3
NFSMW Remastered UI by edoo1 <3
New Timecycle

SourceLighting Scritpts for combination with other mods.

!Attention. The mod is put on the clean version of the game, because the attributes of the game are replaced.If you want to combine this graphics with other mods, use SourceLighting, also do not forget about the sky!!!(InGameA.bun)
YouTube Video -
Enjoy your game.

rogerrech (September 07, 2023 @ 00:36)
Ola pessoal eu estou tendo problema ao abrir o jogo logo apos eu instalar a pasta global do mo mod em meu jogo need for speed mostwanted logo apos o carregar o jogo, o jogo se fecha alguem para me ajudar com esse problema por favor.
L1m0n (January 07, 2023 @ 12:32)
For people whose game crashes right after start: move MW360Tweaks.asi from "scripts" folder, start the game, go to graphics settings and set graphics to any level above min. Apply changes, close game, move MW360Tweaks.asi back to "scripts" folder and you're ready to go
PscatoR (December 27, 2022 @ 20:09)
Hey, mod is working and i like the visuals, but i have a question: Is there a way to make the sky less bright? to lower the effect so i don't get blinded? I know it's part of the mod but i would really appreciate it if you could tell me
Shawxno (November 28, 2022 @ 22:25)
Found out why: The widescreen mod made it slow ( I already had it installed previously before getting this mod)Uninstalled it and put in the one from this mod pack.
Thank you! My game looks amazing now

Shawxno (November 28, 2022 @ 07:04)
Installed and works perfect! But 2nd time I opened the game I guess it runs in slow motion now, even the menu?Any option I may need to fix?