Mercedes Benz CLK GTR (W297) [ADDON]

1998 Mercedez-Benz CLK GTR (W297)
Technical Information:
Car By: Gamer boy
HD Secondary Logo: nlga1zer
Vinyl and Performance: C0mmunityMinderMiner
Converted into an Addon: IndycarWillPower aka Aussie in an LFA
Converted from: Forza Motorsport 3
Replaces: Nothing
Car folder name (XName): CLKGTR
-5 Bodykits
- Engine: Ultimate
- Transmission: Ultimate
- Suspension: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Nitrous: Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Tires: Ultimate
- Brakes: Race, Pro, Super Pro, Ultimate
- Turbo / Supercharger: None
-Vinyls: Contest 1, 512x and 1024x textures are available
-Rim Paint
-Window Tint
-Custom Gauges
- Performance data if you wanna see how it does check this vid from KuruHS
- Available after beating Toru, Blacklist 2 in career mode. (Cost: 540,000)
- NFS Prostreet Driver
- Headlights are Working
-Engine Sound of its own copied from Murcielago Engine and Modified thanks to C0mmunityMinderMiner
- Broken Shifting Sounds Which is Part of the Mod (For anyone who knows how to fix this DM me: Indycar-Will-Power#2016)
IMPORTANT: If you have NFSMW Mod Loader, remove it. This mod WILL BREAK Mod Loader compatibility.
1) Create backups of these files:
- Also your save file which is named NFS Most Wanted in Documents in case you want your previous data back
2) Install NFSMW Unlimiter:
3) Install the "clkgtr_install.nfsms" using NFS-VltEd:
1) Download NFS-VltEd and install it (current version is 4.6):
2) Open NFS-VltEd. When the main window appears, select File > Open from the menu bar.
3) A new dialog box will appear. Choose your game installation directory.
4) Select File > Import > ModScript from menu bar, or press "Ctrl+I".
5) Select the "clkgtr_install.nfsms" from the dialog and click OK.
6) Mod script installation dialog will appear. Click Install to install the mod.
7) Save the files by selecting File > Save from menu bar, or pressing "Ctrl+S".
8) Quit the tool.
4) Add other required stuff in game files using Ed:
1a) If you don't have Ed, download it from here:
1b) If you have Ed, copy the contents of "Ed" folder into your copy of "Ed".
2) Run the tool using "Ed.exe" file.
3) From the menu bar, click open and select your game installation directory.
4) Click "Apply" button. The files should get created in the folder you used the tool.
5) Quit the tool.
5) If this is the first mod you are installing, use the "Unlock Memory Files" option in Tools menu of Ed.
6) Run your game and create a new save game.
7) Experience the insane Power and Wheelspin of this Car (Car is slidy but thats how Miner Made it)
Optional: HD Secondary Logo
1. Extract HD LOGO.rar
2. Copy SECONDARY_LOGO_CLKGTR to Ed Directory/Resources/NFSMW/FrontEnd/FrontEndTextures/729181AD
3. Run Ed and just Click the Apply Button and you are Done
For those who use XBOX 360 Shaders and Textures You will have to Reinstall the shaders and textures cuz of Ed.
- C0mmunityMinderMiner for giving me permission to upload this car with his performance and vinyl
- Gamer boy and his team for making the car model
- nlgzrgn for Ed and the NFSMW Unlimiter.
- nlga1zer for the HD Logo and Giving me Permission to Upload it.
- And you for downloading this mod.
[Change Log]
17/05/2020 - Released
27/06/2020 - (Optional) HD Logo (Thanks to nlga1zer)


[Deleted Account] (June 27, 2020 @ 21:32)
what is happening with engine sound? I had one problem with Carbon sound ports (Frexellia's one), and i fixed it, maybe i can help...
IndycarWillPower (May 29, 2020 @ 11:20)
@Angelo all I know is you use gigapixel
Angelo (May 28, 2020 @ 17:09)
IndycarWillPower: hey man nice conversion, how do you map the high resolution vinyls?
IndycarWillPower (May 20, 2020 @ 08:13)
@maxtab28 make a new save and please remove modloader for the car to work