Opel Astra OPC X-Treme (Addon v1.1)

Update v1.1:
-Added 512x vinyls
-Adjusted the headlight's brightness to make it B R I G H T E R
1. Spoilers
2. Roof Scoops
3. Paint (and Rim Paint)
4. Window Tint
5. Vinyls (1024x only)
6. Decals on windshield
7. Custom Gauges
-Available after shadowing Ronnie
-Costs 250000
-2 liveries straight from Blur
-Cops refers the car as "Opel"
-Customizable license plate (via NFS-TexEd)
Known issues:
-Doesn't come bundled with a Renault Megane
Minor issues:
-Some nibba might complain after fully upgraded the car
1. Put the ASTRAXTREME folder in the CARS folder
2. Select a Vinyls option (512x: Stock, 1024x: Recompiled) and move the "VINYLS.BIN" to "CARS/ASTRAXTREME" folder
3. Open NFS-VltEd and import astraxtreme.nfsms, save and exit
4. Copy the Ed folder to where you put Ed
5. Open "Ed.exe", click "Main" -> "Open" and search for the game installation folder
6. Click "Tools" -> "Unlock Game Files For Modding"
7. Click "Apply"
8. Make a new save game and enjoy your ride (or just modify your current save game)
-Bizarre Creations for this wonderful....creation
-Miner and Whooplash for the logo
-nfsu360 for NFS-CarToolkit, NFS-VltEd and NFS-TexEd
-nlgzrgn for Ed and the NFSMW Unlimiter

sourcekv (February 09, 2024 @ 21:07)
Can't even start the game after adding this one
training70 (October 04, 2023 @ 04:28)
hey the car was glitch how to fix it? (the body disappear so its only display the interior skin) thank you
jogador1000 (May 09, 2022 @ 03:33)
any chance to have a binary version?
GrandGTA (April 16, 2021 @ 13:27)
Where is the GENAU MEIN DING vinyl?