High Res Minimap

Intallation (MAKE BACKUPS FIRST!!)
Just drag and drop the TRACKS folder into your underground 2's main folder
So far the only things included are the main minimap and a few other races, I will add more as time goes on
-Change log-
v1 - initial release
v1.1 - added tracks 4002-4013
v1.2 - added tracks 4014-4043 and added missing start line on outer ring
v1.3 - added tracks 4044-4088 this means all circuits are now hd! also added 4090-4099 which are outrun tracks and just copies of 4000

asdfguy (January 09, 2023 @ 08:46)
Unfortunately not all maps are added. It's missing 4101-4901, but nevertheless, great job!
Resdryn (May 13, 2022 @ 22:49)
Hi, it's possible include the Beta Map by Redridesog?
givethismanaride (June 12, 2021 @ 17:33)
this is great