Ported Car Sounds

For detailed list of sound nodes & car parts, can be found inside the readme file
NOTE: Make sure to make a backup first before installing
Update 2.5:
- Removed optional choices
- Fixed muted car sound on SLR
- Added 5 exhaust sounds from Carbon & 2 engine sounds from World
- Updated & re-arranged script lines
- Added MainRAM & SweetBank ABKs for some Carbon sounds
Update 2.0:
- Neater scripts
- Easier installation method
- Added seperate installation script for addon cars sound
- Auto-apply NFSC engine sound for original cars
- Added uninstall script (as for the sound file, you have to remove it manually)
Update 0.3:
- Added new stock DB9 & upgraded Gallardo sounds
Update 0.2:
- Attempt to fix '71 Challenger By nlgzrgn & Jaguar XK By Eclipse72rus (reported by Xeno10)
- Added optional choices to enable Carbon car behaviour when shifting/changing gears for all cars
When there are too many ai or custom sounds present ingame, some fx sounds related to the vehicle will disappear like nos fx, tire skid or ai car sounds
Tools Used:
- Audacity (audacityteam)
- ABK Decoder/Encoder (id-daemon)
- ABK Insert (CrabGazette)
- NFS-VltEd (nfsu360)
- Notepad++ (Don Ho)
- EA BlackBox for the sound samples
- Yash's & aceofsquares3's mods for the inspiration
- GodArm for extracting NFS World gins

Frexellia (June 21, 2020 @ 06:23)
@Xeno10 Ahh I'm so stupid, when I'm looking in the script & sound files again carefully I realized that I forgot to put the "musc_v8_a" file that is why the sound remains silentsorry for that, I already uploaded it again with the missing files thanks for helping me realizing that

Xeno10 (June 21, 2020 @ 05:21)
Yep, but they don't have anything to do with the charger (I fixed the jaguar though). The first engineaudio of the charger, "dodg_polara" works completely, but the second one "musc_v8_a" (i guess that's the upgraded sound) makes the charger silent.
Frexellia (June 21, 2020 @ 04:37)
@trackmaniamatt Done@Xeno10 Hmm that's strange I tried installing the mod again in a clean & modded game in two different PC and everything is fine, is there any error messages pop up when you're trying to install it ?

Xeno10 (June 20, 2020 @ 19:29)
I think i figured it out with VltEd, both cars have the sound with stock perfomance, but they do not have it when i upgrade them, so the Jaguar uses the default Camaro sound when upgraded, and the Charger 71 just remains silent, but that's just what I think.
trackmaniamatt (June 20, 2020 @ 19:25)
Hey, nice mod! Can't wait to try these out! Any plans on adding am_db9_b in the future?Download
edb781-Ported Car Sounds 2.5.zip (Size: 5.78MB) Latest Version
621a96-Ported NFSC Exhaust Sounds v2.rar (Size: 6.44MB) Old Version
f79a59-Carbon Sounds Ported to MW v0.4.zip (Size: 6.41MB) Old Version
3e3aae-Carbon Sounds Ported to MW v0.3.zip (Size: 6.14MB) Old Version
b479b2-Carbon Sounds Ported to MW v0.2.zip (Size: 5.11MB) Old Version
5fc828-Carbon Sounds Ported to MW.zip (Size: 5.19MB) Old Version