Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on]

v1.5 Rev. F: fixed installation script and Unlimiter .ini file
v1.5 Rev. E: added compatibility for v3 of NFSMW Unlimiter (custom parts can be now selected from menus)
v1.5 Rev. D: added option to keep manufacturer logo in uninstall script
v1.5 Rev. C: fixed 1024px vinyl installation, added custom spoiler text strings
v1.5 Rev. B: fixed installer endscript
v1.5 Rev. A: fixed reverse lights
converted from NFSPS / not compatible with Modloader
Can be customized with:
Spoilers (includes 1 added custom wing with carbon fiber variant)
Rollcages (under "Roof Scoops")
Vinyls (debug map included, optional 1024px vinyl file included)
Decals and numbers
Tinted windows
Custom added parts (you'll need either the latest version of NFSMW Unlimiter installed or you can apply them via debug car customization with Extra Options):
Driver model (DRIVER slot - 5 styles)
Brake discs (FRONT BRAKE and REAR BRAKE slots - 5 styles)
Seats (ATTACHMENT0 slot - 4 styles)
Other features:
Optional NSX sounds ported from NFS ProStreet (courtesy of RedCarDriver)
Performance: +180 mph (+290 km/h) stock / 232 mph (375 km/h) maxed out
Installation (make backups first!):
Make sure you have NFSMW Unlimiter installed first
Extract the zip's contents to a folder
In Binary 2.2.0 or greater, click on "Launch Binary For Users" (left big button) and open the Acura NSX (NA2) Installer.end file. Follow the on-screen instructions and save when prompted.
With NFS-VltEd, go to File > Import > Modscript, open the NSXNA2_vlt.nfsms file, select Install VLT Data, click Install and save.
To use add-on cars you should either create a new savefile or patch your existing savefile with the Save Patcher and Save Editor tools. Patch the save first then open the save with the save editor and save it.
Used tools:
ZModeler 1.07b | NFS Car-Toolkit 3.0 | GIMP | DXTBmp | NFS TexEd 0.9.1 & 1.7 | Binary 2.2.0 | VLT-Ed 4.6 | Notepad
If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:
keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.


PH3 (September 18, 2020 @ 18:17)
so is like this, it don't work for me I DUNNO WHY , maybe i installed wrong 4 TIMES AND STILL DON'T KNOWING WHY, first i think "lol mod is broke lets go talk shit to him haha im bad " but i open the files on car toolkit AND WAS WORKING OK , I REALLY WANT TO KNOW WHAT I DOED WRONG, LIKE YA SAY IS EASY , IMPORT THE END FILE THEN THE NFSMS, IS EASY AND I DUNNO WHERE I FAIL IT
AJLethal (August 07, 2020 @ 13:16)
@Seshadri: Open the FrontB.lzc file with TexEd, then go to Texture > Add, select the texture you want to add and open it. You can also use Texture > Add/Replace From Folder to import several textures at once.
[DELETED USER] (August 07, 2020 @ 02:43)
But if I restore my frontend's originals means, do I have to import logos for other new addons every time??
[DELETED USER] (August 07, 2020 @ 02:41)
@AJLethal: I don't know to to import via texed. Because I haven't done this before. PLS Suggest some tutorial.
AJLethal (August 06, 2020 @ 23:57)
@RoboticCyborg: make sure you have downloaded the latest version of the mod, since it has all the installation issues fixedDownload
14ca34-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [NFS .R Garage -].rar (Size: 32.71MB) Latest Version
65c631-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.71MB) Old Version
2500fe-[NFSU2-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] (NFS S-Tuning) []).rar (Size: 25.71MB) Old Version
e5f435-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.71MB) Old Version
22a4d2-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.71MB) Old Version
9b7d2f-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.69MB) Old Version
da56b8-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.69MB) Old Version
d70337-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.69MB) Old Version
9fb989-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.69MB) Old Version
6acfd8-[NFSMW-Car] Acura NSX (NA2) [Add-on] [].rar (Size: 32.69MB) Old Version