Relentless Cops (Carbon)

This is the NFS Carbon Version of the mod
This is not for faint of heart
- Cops now have a increase masses(it doesn't mean that i modified the mass number, but instead i modified the collisionreactions)
- More Aggressive Cops
- Cross car changes to the one in prologue
- More Cops Patrolling around the map
- Cops is no longer totalled when they ramming ferociously
- SUV Head-on ram Spawn Frequently
- No More CopHitPointOverride on some missions, so it's more Challenging
- *Version 2* Increase Number of backups on each Heat Level along with long cooldown time on heat 6+
- *Version 2* Increase Acceleration to these cop cars(SUV Light, copsuv, copsuvpatrol, copsporthench, copsportghost, copsport, copgtoghost)
- *Version 2* Some Changes to pursuitsupport
- *Version 3* Police AI will now able to keep with you and the cops is Super Aggressive
- *Version 3* Modified meter dead zone(pursuit range) busted and evade distance on each heat levels
- *Version 4* Nerfed some cops car acceleration(GTO Cop Cars), and Buffed the corvette cops
- *Version 4* Some changes on police units shown by Symbol
- *Version 4* Changes to how the cops call you(On higher heat level, the cops will call out quicker, on low heat level it will be slower)
- *Version 4* Granular Changes to Geoheatlevel
- *Version 5* Added option to revert back to original cross vehicle to fix issues as describe below in nfsms install scripts
- *Version 5* Cross vehicle performance is revert back to vanilla one(rubberband, of course)
- *Version 5* Modified the fullengagementradius, so the cops will be able to keep up with you
The LITE Version doesn't change anything on the script at all. It only removes unnecessary files(especially on GLOBAL Folder) and lowered the png quality to make the archive significantly small.
Meter deadzone for each heat level(busted | evade):
1: 5m | 8m
2: 15m | 20m
3: 20m | 30m
4: 30m | 50m
5-10: 40m | 80m
Heat Level Units:
1: Civic Cruiser(20 Backups, Backup Timer 120s, Cooldown 30s)
2: Civic cruiser and undercover(30 Backups, Backup Timer 100s, Cooldown 50s)
3: State Pursuit(with cross)(50 Backups, Backup Timer 90s, Cooldown 80s)
4: State Pursuit and undercover(with cross)(70 Backups, Backup Timer 80s, Cooldown 120s)
5: Federal Pursuit, Federal Undercover, Heavy SUV(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 180s)
Challenge Series Heat Levels:
6: Civic Cruiser(-),Federal Pursuit(+), Federal Undercover, Heavy SUV(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 210s)
7: State Undercover, Federal Undercover, Civic Undercover(-),Federal Pursuit(+)(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 240s)
8: copsport(-), State Pursuit(+), Federal Pursuit, Federal Undercover(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 300s)
Additional Heat Level(I'm modified this before, but i put this in the description just to everyone know. Require Extra Options to be able access that heat levels)
9: State Pursuit(-), Federal Pursuit(+), Heavy SUV, Federal Undercover(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 350s)
10: Federal Undercover, Heavy SUV, SUV Light(-), Federal Pursuit(+)(with cross)(80 Backups, Backup Timer 60s, Cooldown 400s)
There's 2 Version inside:
- GLOBAL Version(Only for latest version)
- nfsms Version(Work on all versions)
Steps for GLOBAL Version(UPDATED for LITE Version):
Just Copy the file inside the extracted GLOBAL Folder to in-games GLOBAL Directory
Steps for nfsms Version:
1. Download Latest version of NFS-VltED
2. Extract that file to somewhere
3. Launch the NFS-VltED
4. Click File, hover over to import, Then click Modscript
5. Select "NFSC_Relentless.nfsms" then click install or for Advanced user, install one by one to your desire inside nfsms folder
6. Save the Mod, before you exit the Program
NOTE: Make a Backup first, before applying the Mod(either through VltED, or my recommendation is to copy the Original Global Folder to somewhere safe)
- Cross vehicle may have invisible body with just a wheels. That is because memory limitations in Game Engine(EAGL 3) and can't be fixed. If you Don't want to see that, i have a script to revert back to Original Cross Vehicle Look(Performance will still be Same, only NFSMS version that i made and no GLOBAL Version)

Build it on VltED 4.6/NFS Carbon 1.4 Collector's Edition
For best experience, Make sure to install NFSC Extra Options(Optional, Only do that if you want to see roadblock and suv Ramming in Races. With the additional access to another heat levels)
Have fun Street Racing at Night

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