Classic Decals for NFSMW
50 new decals inspired in logos and billboards present in TNFS and NFSHS
Includes both black and white versions
Make sure you have NFSMW Unlimiter installed
Extract the zip contents to a folder
In Binary 2.5.5 or greater, click on "Launch Binary For Users" (left big button) and open the Classic NFS Decals [MW] Installer.end file. Follow the on-screen instructions and save when prompted.
Used tools:
GIMP | Binary | Libreoffice Calc | Notepad
If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:
keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.