NFS HD Content Support

Improved support for high-resolution textures and videos. This plugin is the successor of the now deprecated HD Font Support.
1. Move the appropriate scripts folder to your game's install folder.
2. Download and extract
3. Move dinput8.dll to your game's install folder.
4. Enjoy!
Need for Speed: ProStreet
- HD Font Support
- HD Cursor Support
Need for Speed: Carbon
- HD Font Support
- HD Cursor Support
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
- HD Font Support
- HD Cursor Support
- HD FMV Support
Need for Speed: Underground 2
- HD Font Support
- HD Cursor Support
- HD FMV Support
- Global Neon Support
- Global Shadow Support
Need for Speed: Underground
- HD Font Support
- HD Cursor Support
- Global Neon Support
- Global Shadow Support
Q: What does this do?
A: It enables support for HD textures and videos by correcting their scaling through an ASI script. No textures or videos are included.
Q: Can this work with HD Font Support?
A: This plugin does exactly what HD Font Support used to do, but more. They can be used together, but it's unnecessary and not recommended.
Q: Why don't my HD videos display in the correct aspect ratio?
A: You must use FMVWidescreenMode = 2 from the Widescreen Fix. HD Content Support corrects the scaling, Widescreen Fix corrects the aspect ratio.
Q: What is Global Neon Support and Global Shadow Support?
A: It allows you to load a single neon / shadow texture from GlobalB.lzc for all cars. This makes HD neon and HD shadow textures possible. Please read the instructions in the INI file located in the scripts folder before enabling.
Q: Can I bundle this with my own mod?
A: Yes, but I ask that you credit me as a courtesy.
Aero_ : Creator of NFS HD Content Support.
ExOpts Team : The project is based on Extra Options and it wouldn't exist without them.

Aero (October 24, 2020 @ 01:52)
@NFSBusinessThere's nothing you need to do to get it working. Drag, drop, play. My script forces the game to always use the correct scaling values regardless of resolution. I'm basically fixing a programming error.
> How would you go about modding in HD FMVs for a game?
You convert your videos to the VP6 format; that's all I know. Ask on Discord if you want more help. There's someone there creating an HD pack for Most Wanted.

NFSBusiness (October 22, 2020 @ 21:19)
@AeroOK cool. So like, does this automatically fix scaling of higher res textures when a game's original files are modified? (That would otherwise have broken scaling without the mod) Or do you have to do something specific to get the asi script to know when to fix scaling?
Secondly, how would you go about modding in HD FMVs for a game? Do you have to use the same file format as a game's original movie file? How does that work?

Aero (October 22, 2020 @ 02:37)
@NFSBusinessIt's a mistake in the instructions that I forgot to remove. There's nothing to configure, so an INI file is not needed.

NFSBusiness (October 22, 2020 @ 00:59)
I must be missing something... I don't see any ini files in this mod. What ini file are you mentioning specifically?
JOHN30011887 (October 21, 2020 @ 14:57)
Great work :DDownload
4c35cb-NFS HD Content (Size: 514.96KB) Latest Version
19fb83-NFS HD Content (Size: 415.25KB) Old Version
276498-NFS HD Content (Size: 415.09KB) Old Version
dd2f56-NFS HD Content (Size: 414.7KB) Old Version
4aafc1-NFS HD Content (Size: 424.44KB) Old Version
4f2ef3-NFS HD Content (Size: 424.59KB) Old Version