2JZ Supra Sound Mode 1.0.1

This mode fixes and replace the Supra engine sound wich the game uses (350Z) .
I tried my best to come as close as possible to the original 2JZ sound .
Instalation can be found in the readme file .
@Bullshark @NEON @ DARKRAVEN for teaching me using Vlted without them , this mode possibly would not have been released.
I fixed a bug where in CBR the sound doesnt install without errors.

FallenAngel2k02 (December 18, 2024 @ 15:16)
@Ikuranigiri Just tested it out. It works.
Ikuranigiri (December 14, 2024 @ 07:34)
The audio is not working for the Supra. The car is completely silent on acceleration. Looks to be some files missing on you mod.
GtasaCJ (September 22, 2021 @ 15:28)
COPGTO you'll never catch me! Screenshot 2020.08.09 - (2).png)