Most Wanted Pursuit Mod

After a damn year of on and off tinkering amidst a project lead switchover I am pleased to introduce the latest version of the Most Wanted Pursuit Mod for Need for Speed Heat!

This is a mod that aims to best replicate the pursuit system from Most Wanted 2005/2012 and Undercover while giving it a night overhaul ala Carbon. Other changes include AI de-nerfs and improvements for both racers and cops, lighting and effect overhauls, and stat overhauls for select health kits, turbos, ect. Some things had to be changed as the game engines are completely different (not to mention the many differences on the base level AI) so this mod will be somewhat of an upgrade from the vanilla pursuit system.

A quick look at some changes this mod provides.
- Minor AI improvements.
- PCPD now patrolling the city during the day and night with some help from the PCSO (view the ReadMe.txt for more information).
- New night skybox.
- Improved light bar effects on all cars (Crown Victorias, Chargers, Explorers, Corvettes, and Rhinos). Example here.
- Revamped health values for all patrol cars to mimic health values on patrol cars in MW 05 and 12.
- Roadblocks forming at Heat 3 and above.
- Spike strips forming at Heat 4 and above.
- HSTF taking over pursuits earlier at Heat 4 starting with HSTF Chargers.
- SWAT SUVs aiding in pursuits starting at Heat 3.
- Helicopters aiding in pursuits starting at Heat 4.
- Removal of obstacle markers (tried making all obstacle markers use one icon one but it didn't work so I just removed them all).
- Rhino notifications are not removed to compensate for the removal of obstacle markers.
- Killswitch SWAT SUV's and Corvettes.
View Updates.txt for extended documentation on changes. Extended information on the pursuit system is also available under PursuitSystem.txt.

Keep in mind this is not meant to be a hardcore mod so initial heat levels will feel quite familiar, but there is some difficulty in the higher heat levels which was done to best replicate Most Wanted's difficulty in its own higher heat levels. Want a pursuit style like Most Wanted 2005/2012? Try engaging in day pursuits. Prefer engaging in an aggressive and relentless pursuit style like Heat originally had at launch? Try night pursuits.
With that all said, we hope you enjoy this mod, and we hope it was worth the wait!
With love,
ModdingKitty & azgalaga of Electronic Meows
A thanks to:
- Yorpie for teaching the ways of Frosty and providing modding assistance on police health bars.
- elaymm4 for helping me on lighting values for the skyboxes.
- Zyy for being a heckin good file exporter and providing cat pics.
- GSDOS for being a heckin good file exporter and baby.
- grimanddark for credits editing help.
- Project Unite for the tips and test subjects.
And a very special thanks to:
- azgalaga for originally creating this mod, founding Electronic Meows and for giving me a leg up and allowing me the opportunity to explore the world of modding. Thank you for everything you've taught me!
PS: This mod is also available to download on Nexus Mods.

GrabussPC (December 25, 2023 @ 13:19)

ModdingKitty (December 25, 2023 @ 07:46)
Updated bitches!
ModdingKitty (May 04, 2023 @ 03:14)
So, due to circumstances outside of my control like my career path taking up most of my time, futher devolpment of this mod will be done by a close friend of mine. All relevant assests will be shared between the two of us until a smooth transition can be accomplished. It was fun modding for this community but I must move on. Thank you.
ModdingKitty (May 03, 2022 @ 15:48)
With what I recall from being on the team it could be the heat mulipliyer of Unite messing with this mod's pursuit system.
ModdingKitty (May 03, 2022 @ 15:46)
It works with most mods, I haven't tested it with Unite's mod because I haven't had the time to do so. If it's not working with Unite (which it seems to be the case) disable the Unite mod.Download
8ea7b9-Most Wanted Pursuit Mod (Size: 5.53MB) Latest Version
1ed862-Most Wanted (Size: 5.39MB) Old Version
8df671-Most Wanted (Size: 5.39MB) Old Version
152d89-mwpursuit2(fix).zip (Size: 25.18MB) Old Version
91b841-Most Wanted (Size: 25.17MB) Old Version
bebdbb-Most (Size: 27.71MB) Old Version