NFSC Hon_s2k_d Fix

-Open VLT 4.6,select NFS Carbon folder,Ctrl + I -> select the archive (NFSC Hon_s2k_d.nfsms),save and enjoy :)
-Honda S2000 Tuned uses correct abk(Gin File is from the NFSMW, I include in this mod,how to install:Copy and Past to GIn Folder (Sound->Engine->Gin)
-2005/2006 Lotus Elise 111R has new Sound and 1993 Nissan 240 SX uses Leftover sound from NFSU2
-Please Backup you archives first;
-Do you have any problems or bugs tell me in the comments
VLT 4.6 by NFS 360
-You can modify it for your only own use
-Do not distribute or modify without my authorization

alexdivi96 (September 02, 2024 @ 18:46)
@DJ92GTRExtreme yea ok I'm only making sound ps2 mit_evo8_a_CG and better to use evo9 mr edition watch my videos

DJ92GTRExtreme (August 27, 2024 @ 23:32)
@alexdivi96 Because EA Duplicates E Variant on D version Aka 2F2F Brian Evo 7 Sound in NFSC, my Mod Fix EA mistake, this problem exists on NFSPS and Undercover .tmx file
alexdivi96 (November 08, 2023 @ 22:33)
@DJ92GTRExtreme Listen Why you want try Sound Version ps2 evo IX MR Edition S2000?
DJ92GTRExtreme (February 11, 2022 @ 15:59)
and sweet aka shift effect and exhaust poop on deceleration (not exhaust fire, some tuned and racer cars not have exhaust fire, full stock car never have exhaust fire only damaged engine and fail), some dev duplicate hon_s2k_e file or EA just try make remixed sound and result is confused sound, is very crazy thing nobody know the strange reason to EA make that weird idea and decision, sorry for delayed response bro