Sharp Driving

EN: This is a script that modifies the handling model/physics of the game, making it "more reactive" than the turtle speed steering we used to play with. It includes a Readme.txt with all the info you need to know. Enjoy it.
ES: Este es un script que modifica el modelo de manejo del juego, haciendolo más "responsivo" que el viraje estilo velocidad de tortuga con el que veníamos jugando. El mod incluye un Léeme.txt con toda la información que necesitas saber. Disfrútalo.
v1.0.0 - original release
v1.1.0 - speed challenge update
- revised handling for all speed challenge cars.
v1.1.1 - hot fix
- added error fixes for OGVI message errors (thanks senpaidarken).
- corrected McLaren F1 steering problem at low speeds in grip events (thanks FomThf for the feedback).
Future releases plan
v2.0.0 - second handling revision.
v3.0.0 - add Pepega Mod compatibility.
v4.0.0 - add compatibility for some TiSonic car packs.
Do NOT reupload without my permission.
By Silver Racer.