Compact from Burnout 2 [Addon]

This model was ripped by myself but there is one on the internet made by Xenn (not available to download nor available in downloadfree3d)
Tools needed for this mod:
VltEd and TexEd :
Binary V2 :
Notepad++ :
Unlimiter V3 :
NFSMW Extra Options (optional) :
Press O for a surprise (Only with Extra Options when you're in a race with the last body kit)
Hotfix update: it has those squares that i couldnt fix it in the past but now i can fix those, just read the readme.txt to know how to fix it
Hotfix Update V2 : Fixed the model for the bofykit 1 and the exhaust for the stock kit and the drivers ed kit
Contains :
3 Different Body kits (with a self made one)
Window Tinting
Rims (the ones that are in the game)
Original Model : Criterion Games
3d Model published in the internet: Xenn
Unlimiter v3 maker: Nlgzrgn
VltED and TexED maker: nfsu360
Binary developper: MaxHwoy
Me for converting to a addon

Reigod (August 10, 2023 @ 19:46)
so compact car but when coupe??
Kangiru (January 18, 2022 @ 07:30)
@fardeen883 with ninja ripper
UB833 (September 17, 2021 @ 08:47)
how did you ripped the model from Burnout 2 game?