NFS MW - Police Brakelights Fix

(By Ariso)

V.1 - Initial release
V.1.1 - Organized files and replaced wrong ones with the ones from the mod itself
V.2 - Fixed the Heat 2 police car being a (pun-intended) ghost (unironically the car is Literally called 'COPGHOST' in the game files xD)
- NIS (busted cutscenes) vehicles now have the brakelights texture applied to as well!
About the mod/what does it fix(?):
The original vanilla cop cars don't have an brakelight texture on the back compared to other vehicles in general (even other police cars)
For some reason, this has been fixed in Carbon and Undercover. Strange, huh?
This mod simply fixes the vanilla Heat 1, 2 and NIS (busted cutscenes) brakelight texture.
The brakelights texture was taken from Undercover (and edited slightly to fit MW).
How to install:
'COPMIDSIZE', 'COPGHOST 'and 'COPMIDSIZEINT' belong in the 'CARS' folder, just simply paste them and Enjoy!
Problems: If you happen to use my 'HD Police Vehicles textures' for MW, applying neither one of these over this mod will only paste them over and will change depending on what was installed over first
Optionally, you can Download "NFS MW Police Rework" by Aven ( which will offer both of these features.
(Read below for more details)
Q: Can I use your mod In a Modpack?
A: Ask me privately for permission. You are NOT allowed to charge money off any of my mods however.
A: Can I showcase your mod in a Youtube video?
Yes, you can. Just leave my mod link and credit me.
Disclaimer: I am not stealing from "NFS MW Police Rework", this is only my version before the "NFS MW Police Rework" was released, I don't want misunderstandings.
As a matter of fact... Currently, I am part of the 'NFS MW Police Rework' and so, some of my fixes/improvements for Police Vehicles I did before will be present in the same very same mod while also being updated separately. I am only doing this for individuals who might wanna have more 'separated options'

Aven (December 25, 2020 @ 11:46)
Hey there, me again.Wanted to ask real quick what the exact difference is to the original.
I do have working brake lights :D
Or is it just higher quality?