2002 Pontiac Firebird WS6

Hello! This car is converted from Forza Motorsport 4 and it features the following:
- 2 Bodykits
- Spoiler Customization
- 3 Hoods (+3 Carbon Fiber versions) + Carbon Fiber Conversion Option for Stock Hood
- Rims
- Vinyls
- Decals & Number Stickers
- Custom Performance based on NFSMW's performance model
Instructions are in the mod files.
- Fixed the x1024 vinyls not being installed correctly
- Fixed the Collision bounds not being added properly.
- Updated the geometry (and added seperate window materials.).

Kasumi (December 08, 2021 @ 01:15)
Fixed vinyls: for some reason, installer copied over the VINYLSx1024 file without renaming... so just go to CARS\FIREBIRD02\ and rename VINYLSx1024.BIN to VINYLS.BINWee, now am a happy girl, will paint the Firebirb purple and put stripes on it! :3

Kasumi (December 08, 2021 @ 01:08)
Car works fine, had to manually add secondary logo and rename it to SECONDARY_LOGO_FIREBIRD02, but the vinyls don't work. There's a whole pack of them but in-game, the car just has empty slots.
CS3 (February 28, 2021 @ 10:19)
Which is sadly right, it does crash upon *attempting* to drive in freeroam, or Race with it
Ben890 (February 21, 2021 @ 10:03)
when i select your car, the game crashed.
CS3 (February 21, 2021 @ 06:43)
Or not, depend if i'm fast enough to call 911 for Firetruck to came byWho knows lol