NFS Most Wanted, No Filter

How To Install:
1. there's basically a readme.txt file so go read it
1. Set the game to max graphics
2. Turn on Overbright
3. Enjoy beautiful graphics
nlgzrgn and ExOpts Team: Extra Options
nfsu360: NFSVltEd 4.6
me: SkyAndLightingChange.nfsms

ArcySeguraGaming (February 14, 2024 @ 02:07)
imagine insulting someones mod because they don't like yours. i agree this is stupid, you literally can turn if off in advanced settings.
Antonio (April 24, 2023 @ 05:11)
Please, do a Carbon version!
SoundBarrier (December 16, 2022 @ 15:44)
@PH3terrible my ass.
your car mod model ( literally has fucked normals
shut the fuck up you texture slapper (

PH3 (December 15, 2022 @ 03:34)
is this supposed to be a joke? what the hell this mod is terrible