NFS Most Wanted, No Filter

How To Install:
1. there's basically a readme.txt file so go read it
1. Set the game to max graphics
2. Turn on Overbright
3. Enjoy beautiful graphics
nlgzrgn and ExOpts Team: Extra Options
nfsu360: NFSVltEd 4.6
me: SkyAndLightingChange.nfsms

SoundBarrier (May 27, 2021 @ 07:59)
@Kaog, sí y no1. Quita el filtro de orina
2. Puede aumentar o no los FPS

SoundBarrier (May 27, 2021 @ 07:56)
@RealUserIswear, Copy and Paste this text:[VisualTreatment]
EnableVisualTreatmentOverride = 1 // Enables all visual treatment tweaks in this section. (0 = False (Default), 1 = True)
Red = 0.88 // Red amount for Visual Treatment. (Default = 0.88)
Green = 0.8 // Green amount for Visual Treatment. (Default = 0.8)
Blue = 0.87 // Blue amount for Visual Treatment. (Default = 0.44)
Then Install the .nfsms file using a VltEd 4.6

SoundBarrier (May 27, 2021 @ 07:55)
@NFSUSER, Don't worry i'll find a way to fix this issueKaog (May 17, 2021 @ 18:43)
Al quitar ese filtro, aumentan los FPS?