AI Tweak and Performance Increase

Quick Notes!
2-Always make a backup of your Global folder and don't forget to make a new save!
3-If you have hard time with DRAG OR DRIFT i highly suggest checking out NFS2SE3HP4HS8U2's car tunes for ProStreet or Marcy2200's time lap rankings in every mode in ProStreet to see which car is the best and which one is the worst.I would love to put their Youtube links here but i dont have their permission yet.
4-If you reinstall the script you already did before,vlted will give error saying you already have the node (duh..).You dont have to worry since it wont do anything negative.
5-This mod was tested on 1.1 version of the game without no additional mods installed.I am not taking the responsibility if your game crashes while using this mod with any
6-Don't forget to report if you see any bugs or want to say something you don't like about the mod.Remember,any kind of feedback is welcome!
Things left to do:
Change/Nerf drafting.(This is going to take some time.)
Reameb and Tekizyte for teaching me how to work with Attribulator.
Tekizyte again for giving me advice to improve the mod.
LegSolo for giving me inspiration to make the "Increased Damage" tweak with his "Hardcore Damage" video about prostreet and allowing me to use a similar script.
Special Thanks to Luken,Lelaneth,jepu,SIOJO and AMR55 for reporting bugs and giving me feedback to improve the mod.
How To Install
1-Open Vlted 4.6.If you dont have one here is the link:
2-Select your Game Location by pressing the File in the upper left corner or just by pressing CTRL+O
3-Select Vlted method and and select the "Click Me To Install!.nfsms" to configure your options.
4-If you wish to install a new feature or reselect the difficulity,select "Optional Features Script.nfsms".
5-Save it by pressing save inside File menu or by pressing CTRL+S
Warning:If files are modified with the Attribulator,they can't be tweaked with Vlted.So don't forget to make a backup!
1-Choose the Attribulator method for installation.
2-If you're installing the mod for the first time,open "First Time Install" folder and choose a difficulity.
3-Copy the Global folder of the choosen difficulity to game's location.Overwrite when asked.
5-If you want to reselect the difficulity or install an optional script,read the "Installation" folder for extensive information!
!Attribulator v.2.0.0 Download Link!:
How To Use The Attribulator For Any Need For Speed Game By Reameb:
Current Update
1.72 Changelog:
*Added an Optional Script to change the Race Standing Points to Vanilla Point System.
Sidenote: It doesn't need a new career in order to work.
Main Features:
Changes in behaviour:
AI Curves:
AI reacts to racing line,speed progression,slip(losing grip) more quickly
AI Aggression:
AI is much better in every aspects in drag racing.
AI is more aggressive while cornering.
AI will draft and react to you passing them and will try to take back the position they lost.
Performance Matching:Basically how game matches your cars performance with another opponent.Min Performance is the important factor here due to fact that it changes how competitive the AI cars are.
There are 4 difficulity options:
Easy (Only Available for Vlted Method): 40% Min Performance 80% Max Performance for AI vehicles
Normal: 52.5% Min Performance 100% Max Performance for AI vehicles
Hard: 65% Min Performance 100% Max Performance for AI vehicles
Extreme: 75% Min Performance 100% Max Performance for AI vehicles
Tweaked Result Simulation
*Challenging AI in drift and wheelie events.
I found out that game uses simulation for both event types for AI.
Added three difficulties:
*Extreme Result Simulation
*Hard Result Simulation
*Normal Result Simulation
Mixed Racers
*Now some unused AI racecars are in career mode!
This tweak increases the amount of different AI racers players can encounter in the grip and speedchallenge event types.
Increased Hub Level
*Increases the hub level in Super Promotion and early hubs in king paths.
Tweaked Race Standings Points
*Now every position counts in terms of proggression.The reason this tweak is added,is to make the game less grindy to proggress in storyline.
QUICK NOTE:No rubberbanding.Period.
Changes in AI and General Performance:
Now AI has their own vehicle performance.
For Grip Races:
Ai has increased downforce,tire grip,less drag coefficency,less roll center to be atleast competitive to the player
For High Speed Races:
Ai has less drag coefficiency,more high/low boost values,better suspension setup,increased downforce for the muscle class
For Drag Races:
Changed some boost values.Didn't change much other than that since with updated AI Aggression they are much better.
Increases their car performance in normal and pinskslip racedays(not the kings).The reason i changed the performance for ai is because they cant use the cars like they should and most of the time they wont push the car to its limit.Dont tho worry i tried my best to not overdo it :)
Oh and teams(grip runners,apex glide etc...) are much hardcore now.Just like the Ravenwest in Grid series.
-Upgrade Changes for Ryan Coopers 240sx:
Lvl 1 engine
Tire upgrade increased to lvl 2
Suspension lvl 1
Pinkslip Raceday Update!
Now some pinkslip cars you get are little bit better than their normal counterpart!
The reason i changed the pinkslip cars are to make the player feel more accomplished by giving the player a unique car instead of giving a car normal car with upgrades.
Ugrade Tweak in changes in performance
*Now stage 3 parts will give the 100% of the max performance instead of %80.
*Stage 4 parts are now like junkman parts in Most Wanted.They will boost the cars Max Upgrades by %20.
*Now, Nitrous with same tiers but different brands have the same performance.(Example:Tier 2 Nitrous, NOS brand = Tier 2 Nitrous, Nitrous Express brand.) In the vanilla version, every nitrous brand comes with different performance.
Optional Features:
Hardcore Tweaks (Optional Script)
Inside the Hardcore Tweaks,
*Increased Damage(Inspired by LegSolo's Hardcore Damage Video in youtube.Credits to LegSolo.)
Description: Now car damage is very important factor to keep an eye out when racing.If your car is in critcial damage, you might not finish the race at all.
*No Repair Markers When Dominating
Description: Now you wont get an aditional repair markers as a reward after dominating race days.They can be still won in rewardcards or can be bought in main menu.
*Disabled King Difficulity Asissts:
Description:Disables any kind of asissts (TC,ABS,Drift Asissts) completely in king difficulity.
Drift Heat Number and Drag Burnout Timer Changer in Hub Difficulity Tweak (Optional Script)
*Now players can change their drag staging time to 5sec,7.5sec,or vanilla 10sec.
*Now players can change how many heats there are in drift races to 1 heat,2 heats or vanilla 3 heats.
Warning:If you choose 1 or 2 heats, game will skip the drift Non Interactive Scene when you start the race.To revert it simply install the script,3 heats.
Harder Domination Time for Events and Tweaked Sector Shoutout in Hub Difficulity Tweak
*Tweaks the Sector Shoutout to be a little bit more competitive racing event and adjust the record times for events.
Disable Drag Mistake Punishment in Changes in Behaviour(Optional Script)
*Disables the node for punishment in drag races.Now players wont get a throttle delay when they short shift or over rev in manual.
Softer Collision Reactions in Changes in Behaviour(Optional Script)
*Now AI wont feel like a tank when players hit them.
Less Mistake Chance Changes in Behaviour (Optional Script):
* AI is less like to crash in a race or make mistakes in drag races.
Better Automatic and Manual Transmission in Changes in Performance(Optional Script)
*Makes Automatic and Sequential Manual Transmission better for players by decrasing their throttle delay.
Price Overhaul (Optional Script)
*This script reduces the cost of upgrades and the car prices by %50 or more.Both can be installed separately.(Thanks Tekizyte for the advice!)
- Increased Money in RewardCards
*Increased the amount of money reward in rewardcards that you get by dominating or wining race days.
High Speed Event Results:


Grip Event Results :



Drag Event Results:
Wheelie Event Results:
Drift Event Results:


hypeeerspeed (December 31, 2023 @ 07:57)
@240simp i'm guessing by "hardcore" you mean extreme? If that' the case then yes. To counter the earlier stages i added tweaked standing points to make the player progress even if they don't win. You can check that out if you want to try extreme.
240simp (December 31, 2023 @ 07:50)
ok so this mod is terrible for early game / spec car racing on hardcore, however, normal and hard difficulty do stand up very well and is mostly fair for the player in all stages of the gamemaking AI harder =/= better, but i guess hardcore is just harder without looking at the details

0V3RClocked (May 23, 2023 @ 02:56)
My game crashes after installing this scripts, anybody can help?
Prophet (April 04, 2023 @ 17:00)
Is it possible to have this and "Hardcore Kings" at the same time? My game crashes when i install both, but not separated.
TheKrzysiek (April 02, 2023 @ 22:36)
I just installed it to use with the Pepega Mod, and it gives out a lot of errors. game still seem to work, as in it doesn't crash, but I'm not sure how much the mod itself is actually working.
3091e7-AI Tweaks 1.72.rar (Size: 3.14MB) Latest Version
17ce36-AI Tweaks 1.71.rar (Size: 3.14MB) Old Version
dfc690-AI Tweaks 1.7.rar (Size: 3.15MB) Old Version
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93761a-AI Tweaks v1.65.3.rar (Size: 76.45KB) Old Version
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