Need For Speed™ The Run Car Changer

The mod is very simple to use. Select the desired car from the car changer, toggle the 'Freeze' button and enter a race. (Also works if you change car and restart an event).
Screenshots :


gdgsdg123 (January 06, 2018 @ 18:00)
may help:

BloodyThunderX (December 21, 2017 @ 16:20)
Really enjoying this car changer mod.Any chance though it would be possible to be updated in the future to allow the use of vehicles normally playable in the game? Such as being able to change from a Tier 1 car in a Challenge Series to say something like Tier 6?

NFSxYGO (December 21, 2017 @ 04:56)
gj !if only you could found how to disable the off road reset in nfs tr :)