Start Line from NFS ProStreet

NFS ProStreet Start Line
First I would like to apologize for the bad english and the way of installation since I'm not a modder, I'm just sharing a texture that I extracted and made simple edits, knowing this, be aware that it's not perfect.
- Using binary replace the "start line" texture in the "InGameCommon.lzc" file (it's a little more complex process than TexEd, however, this way it doesn't bug your game)
- When opening binary select the option "modder mode", then click "main" => "new launcher" => "select directory", here you will select the location where your game is installed. In the "usage" option select "modder" and in "game" select "underground2". Click "save", select a save location and name the file. When asking to load textures click "no".
- In the next step you will use a text editor and open the .end file that was created in the previous step. On the eighth line you will find something similar to this:
"Files": [
You can add the path of the InGameCommon.lzc file or just use it, example:
eg. 1
"Files": [
eg. 2
"Files": [
- Once that's done, save and go back to binary and click "main" => "load files" and select the .end file you created. After loading the file click on "InGameCommon.lzc" => "TPKBlocks" => "HUDTEXTURESGLOBAL", look for the texture named "start line" and replace it with the texture of your preference and save.
With edge transparency effect

Without edge transparency effect