Need for Speed Most Wanted: Mazda RX-7 Extended Customization Mod

Converted from: Need for Speed Most Wanted, Need for Speed Underground 1, Need for Speed Underground 2, Need for Speed Carbon, Need for Speed ProStreet, Need for Speed World and more!
Everything from the vanilla car + some goodies:
- Body kits: All vanilla body kits + 16 new kits to use!
- Spoilers: All vanilla spoilers + No spoiler option + RX-7 RZ Facelift spoiler + 8 extra Spoilers!
- Hoods: All vanilla hoods + Stock CF option + the two RZ hoods from World + ALL of the hoods from Underground 2 that didn't appear in MW!
- Headlights: Stock Off, Stock On, Sleepy, Angry, Fixed + Their CF variants + ALL of the headlights from Underground 2 (Including the UG1 version of Lunar!).
- Taillights: Stock from MW, Stock from Carbon (Named as R1) + ALL of the taillights from Undergound 2 (Includes UG1 versions of Crimson and Reaper as well).
- Attachments (Only 1 Slot): Level 1 Roll Cage from ProStreet and Level 2 Roll Cage from ProStreet.
Vinyls: All vanilla vinyls + 3 brand new vinyls:
- Denzel's vinyl from Street Racing Syndicate (Found in Unique category)
- Same vinyl as above one, but colourable and any paint can be used (Found in Stripes category)
- Reiko's vinyl from The Fast and The Furious Tokyo Drift game of PS2 (Found in Unique category)
- Vanilla driver from Need for Speed Most Wanted
- Working taillights on/off textures (For SOME of the taillights, not all of them)
- Brakes and License Plates sections active if you have mods for those
Known issues:
- With the UG2 and UG1 taillights, you might see through the car a bit. However, you can ignore this by just not paying attention to it.
- Please report if any other issues are seen.
Found in the Readme.txt.
Special thanks to:
- EA Black Box: Making most of the models used in this mod
- nfsu360: For NFS CarToolKit 3.1
- Oleg Melashenko: For ZModeler 2.2.6
- MaxHwoy: For Binary 2.8.3
- KenjaMago: For making Denzel's and Reiko's vinyls and testing the mod.
- Valen2006 (me): For making the mod.
- You: For downloading the mod.
V1 (01/10/2021): Initial release
V1.01 (22/11/2021): Added some missing information, and updated the mod to be compatible with v3.2.0.1337 of Unlimiter.
V1.024 (08/12/2021): Added more missing information, and gave the mod optional 1024x vinyls.
V2 (04/03/2023): Ton of stuff. Here's a list:
- Mod is now fully compatible with nlgxzef's Recompiled Vinyls.
- Reiko's and Denzel's vinyls were now moved to Unique category in order for them to no longer require Extra Options to be installed.
- Added UG1 version of Lunar as it's different from its UG2 counterpart.
- The headlight problem is now solved.
- Added new body kits, spoilers and hoods to make this update truly a "full-on update-size" update!
V2.1 (01/06/2023):
- Due to NFS Carbon having mount points from Most Wanted, the lights from the R1 brakelights didn't appear as they should. I fixed it and now they appear as they should.
- Fixed the flames coming from the exhausts in some body kits being upwards during the race intros and when using NOS at kinda low speeds.
- UV mapping for body kits 6, 7 and 8 has been improved (Still not perfect, but at least better).
- Sibill hood has been replaced in favour of its Carbon counterpart (They are pretty much the same, just that the Carbon one is closer to looking like it came out of MW)
- The Beast Hood from Carbon has been included.
- Stock Off and Stock On headlights now have Carbon Fiber variants! They are located at the right side of their normal variants.
- Added 3 new headlights! These also have standalone CF variants! (Which makes the addition of headlights be technically 8)

Kasumi (December 08, 2021 @ 12:12)
This is with 512x vinyls? Can I install it on top of the the 1024x vinyl pack just restoring the 1024 vinyls later coz I like the extra body customizations?
Valen1991 (October 02, 2021 @ 21:19)
@Selly Thank you!@WF4123 Glad you liked it.
WF4123 (October 02, 2021 @ 06:31)
I didn't know that was really epic.
Selly (October 02, 2021 @ 06:18)
Eh, nice car - rx7 )