1995 Nismo GT-R LM

Converted from Forza Horizon 4.
Replaces (ModLoader version only):
Mazda RX-8 (RX8)
- Bodykits
- Spoilers*
- Rims
- Hoods
- Roof Scoops
- Roof**
- Brakes**
- Headlights**
- Taillights**
- Attachments**:
-- Slot 1: Seats
-- Slot 2: Roll Cage
-- Slot 3: Muffler Tip
- Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Numbers
- Custom Gauges
- License Plates**
*2 unique spoilers available in Addon version
**Available in Addon version only
- Working brakelights
- New performance
- Damage scratches
- Adapted for YTM's Rim Pack
Known bugs:
- Anyone at the moment
- NFSMW Unlimiter by nlgzrgn: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/688
- Binary v2.8.3 by MaxHwoy: https://nfsmods.xyz/mod/1638
ModLoader version:
- Be sure that your NFSMW has ModLoader installed.
- Extract ADDONS folder into NFSMW game folder
Addon version:
- Run Binary as an administrator, click on red (User Mode) icon, then pick SKYLINELM.end and look for NFSMW game directory (ignore the errors if there are any)
- With NFS VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSMW game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick SKYLINELM.nfsms. Save it.
- nfsu360 for making NFS-CarToolkit
- Oleg for making Zmodeler
- Playground Games and Turn 10 Studios for making mesh and textures
- dotPDN for making Paint.net
- YochiThMaster333 (me) for converting this car

YochiThMaster333 (October 31, 2022 @ 19:47)
@Tharn I think this is the most detailed proofs. It's actually not null, it's just too small (tested on game with no added or replaced cars with custom performance). That's how top speed stat in the menus is calculated. It's actually fine in races.
Tharn (October 30, 2022 @ 18:25)
I updated the mod and this is still what I seehttps://i.imgur.com/H2UfQtz.png
I don't know what 'more detailed proofs' constitute for you so please elaborate. But tell me, does the stock car not have null top speed in your installed game? No other installed car is like that for me.

YochiThMaster333 (October 30, 2022 @ 14:40)
@Tharn more detailed proofs.At that time you posted the comment, the mod got updated

Tharn (October 28, 2022 @ 02:11)
Is a screenshot of the game where the performance stats for the stock addon version of the car are shown enough proof? or what kind of detailed proofs do you need that I could provide?