Need For Speed The Run Debug Menu Update 1.1

Installation instructions:
Just replace the game files in NFS THE RUN Directory;
Debug Menu will be replaced instead of Exit button;
Added start intro skip.
How to:
On the screen where car logos should be displayed, spam the Enter button;

needforspeed12345 (May 03, 2023 @ 19:38)
the debug run car option isnt here for me. why is that?
JesusAVB2004 (February 02, 2023 @ 19:44)
Could you add the feature of changing the color of the car and also its styling packs? so that the list of cars does not lengthen, simply change the color of the car in a box with the l separate variation list. (It's just an idea)
TenekRealGenius (January 28, 2023 @ 23:35)
@ronpeduros2 it's doesn't work
ronpeduros2 (January 12, 2023 @ 16:53)
hey how do i unlock all? i try but doesnt work