Addon Customization 350Z

To install it, unpack everything to any folder, then use BOTH Binary 2.8.3 and Vlt-Ed 4.6.
Binary :
Open Binary in User mode, open the 350z endscript, select your game directory, save and quit.
Vlt-Ed :
Open Vlt-Ed, hit file>import>modscript and select the 350z modscript, check the settings or
leave them default, hit install and DON'T FORGET TO SAVE as it isn't done automatically.
Features :
- 7 kits incl 5 autosculpt and 2 semi-autosculpt
- 3 widebodies incl 1 autosculpt
- 13 hoods incl 12 autosculpt
- 4 specific spoilers
- 12 exhausts per kit
This car is an asset from (U)CE, more infos on (U)CE discord
Additionally, if you want to contact me, my old discord, more generic, is still alive.

additional information on the addon kits (for modders):
they use Extended Car Kits 1.0.10 which is bundled in this package
you're free to use this script as a basis for an addon kits car mod, just credit me.
to be sure you're using the last version of ECK, you can either join (U)CE discord or my
old discord and message me, search for NI240SX#9464

NI240SX (December 13, 2021 @ 19:22)
Good to know, I guessed it was the case. Well you know what's left to do, wait for more Binary addon cars, wait for Ed mods to be updated, or simply enjoy finding back vanilla cars
Frexellia (December 13, 2021 @ 01:11)
Already tested it and its true, installing it with Ed cars just made the game crashdefinitely incompatible with Ed no matter what we do

NI240SX (December 12, 2021 @ 09:53)
This mod may or may not be compatible with Ed, I haven't really checked.Anyways Ed is basically outdated since Binary for UC came out, and you can install your old Ed cars (if they're not already updated) using Binary. There are tutorials and it's really not very hard.
All the addon parts just can't be added with Ed.
and, use an understandable english next time... the fuck is your second sentence
WF4123 (December 11, 2021 @ 14:53)
I think this mod is not compatible for Ed: The Car Dealer. It's only replacing broken 350Z from this game by using this mod.