Itashas on Rockport (30 Custom Vinyls Pack) Update

"Your favorite itashas are your racing rival now!"
- All first car of well-known itashas are added as vinyls
- Install Recompiled Vinyls by nlgzrgn (1024x)
- Install the Mod-Unlocked Game Files!4EQTRQDL!7D8WPld3ATn_zyBXGIhHUPcqX4FbVvF1n6qiO_JXHj4
- Download NFS-TexED to add the Vinyls
1. Copy the Recompiled Vinyls and the Mod-Unlocked Game Files to where you have the MW installed
2. Open the NFS-TexED, go to CARS\BMWM3GTRE46 and select Vinyls.bin
3. Look for a texture that you want to change (I recommend you change one of the Blacklist), go to Texture, select Replace and look for the Vinyls that you downloaded, then select them
4. Press Save and that's it, enjoy!
v1.1.3 - CLK 500 is Kotori Vinyls Name Changed
v1.1.2 - Lancer Evolution VIII is Chloe Numbers and Hearts
v1.1.1 - Cobalt SS is Miazo Name Changed
v1.1 - Added 8 Vinyls
v1.0.1 - CTS & Murciélago Vinyls is fixed
v1.0 - Initial Release
nfsu360 - NFS-TexEd
nlgzrgn - Recompiled Vinyls

DALZER (April 09, 2023 @ 06:54)
yo i need you talk to me discord just click my profile and press my latest mod there should be my discord user.jpg)
Stamp43 (February 25, 2023 @ 03:48)
(Bug) Wean i Added a Silver Black PaintJob Wean Equiped It Dissapears and i go back to it and it Crashes The Game?
VelocityGTR (July 08, 2022 @ 06:04)
Aki The Fish or NEKO GTR memories intensifies
JJBRWBYLadybug27 (May 18, 2022 @ 11:20)
Ey! I see you got my Gawr Gura vinyl. N i c e.
InfinityMain (March 29, 2022 @ 02:39)
Also, for 1024, the Murcielago itasha vinyl is missing.Download
a954a3-Itashas on Rockport v1.1.3.rar (Size: 14.75MB) Latest Version
0a1b62-Itashas on Rockport v1.1.2.rar (Size: 14.75MB) Old Version
dc486f-Itashas on Rockport v1.1.1.rar (Size: 14.75MB) Old Version
575745-Itashas on Rockport v1.1.rar (Size: 14.75MB) Old Version
1b63dd-Itashas on Rockport v1.0.1.rar (Size: 14.33MB) Old Version
3193ef-Itashas on Rockport v1.0.rar (Size: 14.33MB) Old Version