2005 Volkswagen Golf GTI (Leftover Fix)

Issues fixed:
- Added most, if not all, body parts from Golf R32 (autosculpt kits and hoods, and R32's Body 2 as GTI's Body 5)
- Floating VW Logo on Body 1 was removed
- Wheels model fixed, now it uses NFS Carbon tire model instead of NFS Most Wanted one
- Fixed mapping on 4 out of 6 NFS Most Wanted hoods (as two of them are already included as part of R32's customization set)
- Made the car to use the unused performance data, along with frontend vlt node (which is also unused without mods)
- Run Binary as an administrator, click on red (User Mode) icon, then pick GTI.end and look for NFSC game directory (ignore the errors if there are any)
- With NFS VltEd, click File - Open and choose NFSC game directory, then click File - Import - ModScript and pick GTI.nfsms. Save it.
- nfsu360 for making NFS-CarToolkit
- Oleg for making Zmodeler
- EA Black Box for leaving Golf GTI's model incomplete
- dotPDN for making Paint.net
- YochiThMaster333 (me) for fixing all the issues