.R Night Mod by AJLethal

Category: Miscellaneous | Game: Need for Speed: Most Wanted

.R Night Mod

A lighting mod for NFSMW aiming to give a *somewhat* convincing night effect.

Installation (make backups first!):

Make sure you installed the NFSMW Modloader and NFSMW Extra Options first
Copy the IngameA.bin file into the GLOBAL folder of NFSMW
Copy the ADDONS folder into your NFSMW folder
Go the scripts folder of NFSMW, open the NFSMWExtraOptionsSettings.ini file and change the values of AlwaysRain to 1 and RoadReflectionAmount to 1.75, then save.
Make sure you have the "Visual Treatement" option set on "High" in the game options
If you want to get rid of the rain, open the NFSMWExtraOptionsSettings.ini file change the value of RainSize to 0, then save; also turn off the "Rain Effect" in-game option

Used tools:

keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.


nefesnefese (March 02, 2025 @ 16:29)
how can I just add the headlights, searching for it on web but cant do

AlanGamer456 (February 17, 2024 @ 11:54)
This is more than convincing, it makes the game really do look like nighttime.

Yaciwtwr (December 25, 2023 @ 23:25)
does this make the game only nightmode?

Antonio (February 18, 2023 @ 05:15)
Now it only needs and update to add lights on vehicles, props and structures

Atom0coral (January 28, 2021 @ 20:45)
This is amazing, if you have the HD reflections + new textures for the road, this looks insane!

Uploaded on January 21, 2018 at 16:07:07.

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