NFS U2's Safehouse mod

1. Download and install NFSMW Front-End Shadows by Aero:
2. Extract PlatformCrib.BIN to NFSMW game directory/FRONTEND/PLATFORMS
3. Run the game, no matter if you use ModLoader or not
It is necessary to use NFSMW Front-End Shadows to not have some graphical issues when the car is yet to be loaded.
Here two vesions: For Plak graphics and for normal version of the game.
Missing Rack with spare parts
One poster was replaced because it contained nsfw
Tools used:
Zmodeler 2.2.3
Binary 2.8.3
Adobe photoshop
3d Ripper DX
ASC's special mwgc file
ASC - for making special mwgc exe file
Adobe - Adobe Photoshop
Magnisimus - posted on WE discord server DDS plugin for photoshop
Roman Lut - for making 3d Ripper DX
Nfsu360 - for making TexEd
MaxHwoy - for making Binary
Oleg Melashenko - for making Zmodeler
Terminator_Vasya (me :P) - for ripping garage model and converting this garage
Sorry for bad english, because I'm russian.