[NFSMW]Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec-V Extended Customization

It will unlock after beating Sonny(Blacklist #15)
Price: 25.000$
Update V1.01
Added x1024 vinyls
-15 Headlights
-15 Taillights
-Vinyl Support
-Decal Support
-5 Bodykits
-Engine Swap Option(2 Styles)
-20 Mirrors(15 Normal,5 CF)
------Model Fixes:
-Fixed Headlight Gaps(Thanks To Leustean)
-Fixed Broken Grills in Kit 3(Thanks To Leustean)
-Added Interior
-Added 'BRAKELIGHT_ON' texture(to stock taillight)
-Resized and remade the BADGING texture.
-Resized taillights,headlights texture.
nlgxzef(Extended Customization),(x1024 Vinyls)
nfsu360(NFS CarToolKit,VltEd,TexEd)
KenjaMago(Sentra's VltEd Script)
Leustean(Giving me the UG1 Models)
More Images:


rybetasz (July 22, 2022 @ 09:13)
@Steven24 ok,when i have time i'll convert it.
Steven24 (July 15, 2022 @ 05:06)
Hi, i try to comment about in NFS Add ons but i cant, i wanna make a request, will you make a same Car Nissan Sentra SE-R Spec-V Extended Customization for NFS Carbon, i am just adding new cars on it for a NFS Carbon redux, with Binary, and VLTEd idk if it put car sound as others
rybetasz (May 27, 2022 @ 13:04)
@jogador100,@juankatellito make sure ForceLodA setted 1 in unlimiter.
juankatellito (May 20, 2022 @ 01:33)
I don't know why the car becomes invisible in free race, can you give a solution to that? or I don't know if it has something to do with the new update of unlimiter because from there the car cannot be installed