2002 Acura RSX Type S

2002 Acura RSX Type S
For NFS Most Wanted 2005
by CovRETE37
Model : Forza Motorsport 4, NFS ProStreet
XName : RSXS (Addons)
Unlocked at : Start Career
- Working brakelight textures
- Working window damage textures
- NFSMW Performance Style
- 5 Body Kits
- Spoilers (+No Spoiler)
- Rims
- Hoods (+Stock CF)
- Roof Scoops
- Full Upgradeable Performance
- Paint
- Vinyls (Available 512x & 1024x)
- Rim Paint
- Window Tint
- Decals
- Numbers
- Custom Gauges
> v0.8
- Initial release
> v1.1
- Removed Sunroof
- Added Roof Scoops customization
- Added No Spoiler
- Added Stock CF Hood
- Added Decal customization
- Fixed Spoiler Mount Points
- Fixed Hood Camera
- Added Rear Defroster detail
- Updated Manufacture logo
- Fixed some Part Shaders & Textures
- Fixed some vinyls, now are better
- If you found another bug, lemme know.
1. Make sure you have installed NFSMW Unlimiter, also have binary and NFS VLTed.
2. Run "Binary.exe", Select User Mode > Browse to "STEP-1-BINARY.end".
3. Select to your NFSMW directory.
4. On Prompt Selection, Choose "Install".
5. On Vinyl Prompt Selection, Choose as according to your needs.
6. Save, and close binary.
7. Run "NFS-Vlted.exe", click File > Open > Browse to your NFSMW directory.
8. Click File > Import > ModScript > Browse to "STEP-2-VLT.nfsms".
9. Choose "Install".
10. Save it, start game with new savegame and enjoy :)
- ZModeler
- NFS CarToolKit
- NFS TexEd
- NFS Perfomance Calculator
- NFS VltEd
- Forza Studio
- Blender
> CovRETE37 (me)
- Major work for this project
> EA Blackbox, Turn 10 Studios
- Original models & textures
- Ripped Forza model
On Race
Showcase v1.1 SUBSCRIBE TO ME!


Draxin (March 06, 2024 @ 02:17)
There appears to be a weird bug that when traveling on an incline or in midair the car model either shifts forward or shrinks in size. I think that's what Hector is referencing..jpg)

HectorDreemur16 (September 24, 2022 @ 02:58)
Why when the car jumps makes a strange movement? I don't know how to describe it, but it would be as if the car gave a small dash when leaving the ground.PD: Your addon is one of the best I found, easy to install and very complete.

apprentice1914 (July 10, 2022 @ 09:58)
Noiceee :DD thanks Pal. :)We need more awesome car mods from older NFS to NFSMW 2005.