Porsche Boxster S (986) [Add-on]

Can be customized with:
Vinyls (debug map included, custom and optional 1024px vinyl file included)
Decals and numbers
Tinted windows
Custom added parts (you'll need either the latest version of NFSMW Unlimiter installed or you can apply them via debug car customization with Extra Options):
Driver model (DRIVER slot - 8 styles)
Brake discs (FRONT BRAKE and REAR BRAKE slots - 8 styles)
Mirrors (LEFT_SIDE_MIRROR slot - 16 styles)
Seats (ATTACHMENT0 slot - 8 styles)
Steering wheels (ATTACHMENT1 slot - 8 styles)
Rollcage (ATTACHMENT2 slot - 2 styles)
Roofs (BASE slot - 4 styles)
Taillights (LEFT_BRAKELIGHT slot - 7 styles)
Headlights (LEFT_HEADLIGHT slot - 5 styles)
Other features:
Performance: +173 mph (+280 km/h) top speed -stock- / 235 mph (378 km/h) -upgraded-
LOD0 interior
Make sure you have NFSMW Unlimiter installed first
Extract the zip's contents to a folder
In Binary 2.5.5 or greater, click on "Launch Binary For Users" (left big button) and open the Porsche Boxster S (986) [Add-on] Installer.end file. Follow the on-screen instructions and save when prompted.
With NFS-VltEd, go to File > Import > Modscript, open the BOXSTER986_vlt.nfsms file, select Install VLT Data, click Install and save.
To use add-on cars you should either create a new savefile or patch your existing savefile with the Save Patcher and Save Editor tools. Patch the save first then open the save with the save editor and save it.
Used tools:
ZModeler 1.07b & 2.2.6 | NFS-CarToolkit | Binary | VLT-Ed | Blender | Forza Studio | GIMP | DXTBMP | Notepad
If you would like to modify and/or distribute this mod, please:
keep this readme file without any alterations whatsoever (in case of just sharing this mod around)
give me proper credit (AJ_Lethal) for creating the mod
Seriously, respecting those conditions is not hard at all. Unless you're terminally dumb or a shameless, talentless hack.
